
Д-р Паја Радосављнвић 91

2. Fr. P. Roberis, The Problem of Amerikanizatio, Мем/York, 1920, str. 44. . 3. Dr. J. Watson, Psychology. Philadephia, 1919, 342-343, 344. 4. Dr. D. Starch, Educational Psychology, New York, 1919, str. 157. , | 5. Dr. E. L. Thorndike, Educational Psychology, New-York, cB. Il, crp. 404, 305, 306, 307, 308, 325. 6. Dr. Ladd — Woodmorth, Elementes of Physiological Psychogy New-York, 1911, crp. 572, 576. 1. Dr. H H. Horne, Jesus as Teacher, New-York, 1921, 172: 8. Dr. G. M. Whipple, Mannal of Physiel and Mentre Tests, Baltimore, cl. I, 1914, crp. 3. 9. Dr. G. Swift, Psychology and Daily Work, New-YVork, 1918, crp. 254, 253. 10 Dr. G. Huuter, General Psychology, Chicago, 1919, 301, 312. 11. Dr. D. Starch, Psychology, New-York, 1911, 463. 12. Dr. D G. Lyon, Memory and Stearnig Process, Мем/York, 917, 51, 53, 87, 165. | 13. Dr. G. C. Myers, A _studi in individual memory, NewYork, 1913, 108. 3 14. Dr. J. Smely, Teaters Psychology, London, 916, 442. 15. Dr. H. Muntinpfoh, Wolsd Power and Evolution, NewYork, 1919, 284 & 167. 16. Luch CW. The Conditions ol retertion, Chicago, 1922, str. 2: 17. Dr. G. F. Freelahd, Modern Elementary School Practice New-York, 1919, 424, 50 18. Dr. G. Lorand, Building: Human Intelligece, Philadelph a, 1019, 333. (Ово је дело преведено с енглеског — оно је недавно преведево и ва српски). 19. Dr. E. Meumanu, Psychology Learning, New-Yorh, 1913, crp. 382, 383, 386, 234, 245, 314, 334, 333, 361, (пр. с енглеског). 20. јр. Schulize, Aus der Werkstatt der exp. Psycholožie und Pidagogik, Leipzig, 1900, 194, 195. 21. Dr. H. Schoeneberger, Psychologie ind Pijagogik des. Gediichtnisses, Leipzig, 1911, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 146. 22. Dr. W. A. Lay, Experimentelle Pžadagogik, Leipzig, 1912, 84. 23. Dr. K. Gross, Das Seelenleben des Kindes, Berlin, 1908, 123. 24. Dr. H. Braundshausen, Die experimeutelle Gedichtissforschung, |Langensalze, 1914, 31, 38, 43, 53, 56, 62, 134, 142, 150, 157, 159, 168.