
Са овом посланицом, срећан пут вам желе зенитисти. Не заборавише наш тужни Балкан и наш радосни зенитизам. На растанку, зенитисти вас само једно моле: y вашој далекој бенгалској отаџбини поклоните ce вашем великом савре менику Махатми Гандију, јер то ће бити ваше највеће дело и овоземаљска круна свих ваших глумачких напора. Учините то свакако пpe вашег неизбежног пyтa y нирвану и веселите ce лепи старче y нирвани неће бити зенитиста! y име фаланге међународних зенитиста



Belgrade, November 15t h, 1926 Gentle father of Bengal and false prophet! We barbarians are sich of all empty phrases about Contemporary culture and contemporary civilisation. That civilisation, which in the Balkans is synonimous with blood stained mud and wyriads of dugs. For tins modem civilisation is a dug contemporary civilisation is canniballike and opposed to all humanity. We Zenit ists, revolutionary poets artists hâve engaged ourselves i n a descisive struggle with european civilisation which enslaves us, and we are ready even to fight tooth and nail to annihilate that cannibalic civilisation, which you advertise in this détestable manner with your white beard and silken robes made in English factories. Do you remember —what has thenyour great contryman Mahatma Gandhi been doing? Why did not you also join forces with him. when he organised that magnificent struggle to free your enslaved peuple from the yolk of contemporary civilisation, of English Lords and Indian Maharadjas. You have come uninvited to this land of barbarians, whose face is contorted with the pains and convulsions of your silken civilisation against whose flanks you will rub yourselve this evening on the wings of your idle words. For those who have brought you here, to this grave-yards of Europe’s culture, care only for money and profit, for trading with all and everythieng, for commerce in mens conscience and not in the least for civilisation. These agents of culture, true sons of contemporary civilisation have deceived you and rejoice perversely behind our backs, that they thus easily gained good coin in eychange for the counterfeits, which bear your name : Rabindranoth Tagore. But if they have lied to you with Serbian hospitality, know, you fals prophet: that Serbian hospitality is a lie and a deceit—and that the best sons of this contry of the