A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained


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made our ftandard, iscommon,carnal, and fuperftiticus: And we ought not to def pile, and contemn that which is below, nor cenfure and condemn that which is above our perceptions. Blefled be God, all regenerated fouls, in the midit of their greateft diftances from one another here below, do all meet in the divine comprehenfion above! They are allincircled in the divine arms, they are all included in the divine love, that has breadth and length, depth and height enough to reach, and hold us all: And if we cannot yet receive and embrace each other in our feveral ages, growths, and attainments, it is becaufe we have little, dark, and contracted hearts, feel but little of the love of Chrift, and are no more filled with that fpirit which is the {pring, the centre, the band, to all good {pirits in heaven, and on earth.

There is as great a difference in the growths of the new man, 4s there is of the outward body. The loving and beloved difciple john in his firft epiftie,

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