A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

82 Of the Myftery of the Creation.

rally and fpiritually: this internal {pirit is the foul; but the internal body is from the water of the holy element, which died in Adam, that is, difappeared as to his life, when the divine power parted from him, and would not dwell in the awakened vanity. 4. Which holy body muft be regenerated, if his fpirit will fee God, otherwife he cannot fee him; * Except a man be “© born again of water, and of the Spirit, ‘© he cannot fee, nor enter into the king<¢ dom of God,” as our Lord told Nicodemus. He muft be born anew of the water of the holy pure element in the fpirit of God, who has manifefted himfelf in Chrift [in us] with this fame water fource : that his difappeared holy body may be made alive in the holy water and {pirit: elfe the foul has no fenfe nor fight in the holy life of God.

5. This twofold outward body; namely, the aftral and elementary, is now to be pondered, and punctually confidered of, if we would underftand nature: for in thefe [bodies] the dominion of all external crea+ tures, and effences is couched: they often times are contrary one unto another, whence
