Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu

de la contrefaçon), Paris, 64 « année, No. 24, 1956. P. Routier: L’utilisation internationale des marques. Поред тога, као и увек, велики број случајева из праксе француских и страних судова. REVUE JURIDIQUE ET ÉCONOMIQUE (Annales de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université de Bordeaux —• Série économique: Travaux de l’lnstitut d’Ëconomie Régionale 'du Sud-Ouest), 5 e année, No. 2, 1956. M. Vigneaux: La Champs pétrolifère de Parentis. Y. Mainguy: Les sources d’énergie au service de l’industrie régionale. Centre d’expansion „Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest“: Inventaire démographique du Sud-Ouest. strielle, reconversion, aménagement du territoire. RIVISTA INTERN AZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI (Pubblicata a cura dell’ Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Milano, Vol. XXVII, F asc. 111, Maggio-Giugnd 1956. F. Vi to: L’esperienza délia C.E.C.A. e V alternativa tra integrazione per settori ed integrazidne simultanea. G. Mazzocchi: Riflessioni sulle recenti vicende délia Borsa Ameridana. L. Fornaciari: Osservazioni sull’andamento del lavoro femrmnüe in Italia negli ultimi SOanni. G. R. Trentin: Vecchi e nuovi termini della questione méridionale. G. Giorgi: A&petti e problemi attuali délia cooperazione.SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, New York, Vol. XX, No. 2, Spring 1956. J. D. Bernai: Science and Human Welfare. C. F. Powell: International Scientific Collaboration. Hyman Kuritz: Ira Steward and the Eight-Hour Day. ■ — John P. Henderson: The Theory of Marginal Cost Pricing. Mario Bunge: On William Morris’ Socialism. SWISS REVIEW OF WORLD AFFAIRS (A Monthly Publication of the „Neue Zürcher Zeitung“), Zürich, Vol. VI, No. 1, April 1956. Salvador de Madariaga: A Critique of Western Policy. Ernst Halperin: An Analysis of the Recent Moscow Party Congress. Otto Frei: The Remilitarization of Eastern Germany. Rudolph P. Hafter: The Trduble in Algeria. F. E. Aschinger: An Econopnic Report on Irag. No. 2, May 1956. Willy Btetscher: The Trojan Horse. Urs Schwarz: Japan and. Its Neighbors. Robert Ottinger: Britain Tackles Currency Depreciation. Hans E. Tütsch: In Syria. Urs Schwarz: Problems of the Press in Asia. No. 3, June 1956. The International Press Institute in Zürich. Urs Schwarz: Domestic Politics in Japan. —■ F. E. Aschinger: Socialism in India. Hans. E. Tütsch: Middle East Problems (Jordan in Translation The Palestine Refugees The Arab World Between East and West). THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, London, Vo I. 159, No. 950, April J 956, G. F. Hudson: Where Does Britain Stand? Jane Degras: Where Does Russia Stand? Claud Cockburn: „The Week“ To-day. Patrick Cruttwell: Burma Days Maung Tin and Tin Maung. John Kenneth Galbraith: The Economist as an Innovator. Desmond Stewart: ,Culture’ in the Arab World. No. 951, May 1956. Allendale Sanderson: Mornful Numbers. Humphry Osmond: Mental Illness (Basic Problems). Barbara Wooton: Sickness or Sin? Emanuel Miller: The Rooted Sorrow (Freud and After). E. Stengel: Empirical Treatments in Psychiatry. J. R. Smythies: Brain and Mind. D. A. Sington: The Criminal and Society Reform or Punishment? Elliott Jaques: PsychoPathdlogy in Industrial Life. No. 952, June 1956. - Bernard Wall: Writers, Artists, and Dull Facts. G. L. Arnold: Notes on Fabianism. Hubert Butler: Croats