Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



таких норм, в которых влияние административного права чувствуется сильнее чем хозяйственного (водные, земельные, жилищные и другие нормы). Он полагает, что нашей среде больше бы подходили два обязательственных кодекса, подчеркивая при этом, что хозяйственное право и у нас может быть кодифицировано и путем применения ряда отдельных законов. Наряду с проблемой материального права, автор выдвигает и вопрос единства или разделения судебной системы; суд с общей компетенцией или же специализированные хозяйственные судебные установления. Он за разделение судебных установлений.

SUMMARY Process of Commercialization of Civil Law In the discussions preceding the codification of the law of contract of Yugoslavia, two concepts have taken shape: of a uniform obligation law and of divided law of contract: civil and economic laws separately. The author explains the genesis of this problem. Through! the XlXth century and now he distinguished and still is making distinction between theoreticians and legislators. Many maintain that civil obligation law bears the mark of national environment and it must reflect its ideas. And vice versa, commercialized obligation law is losing this mark and being professionalized, as the result of economic growth, neglects local ideas and moves towards a universal economic law, that is becoming equal even in the countries vith different systems. There, where civil obligation law is predominant, habits,, feelings and tendencies are preserved. However, even these civil-legal relations are not immune of the influence of institutions that grow in the market of economy and therefore the question arises whether they should be compiled into a code together with economic law or codified separately, paying attention to the formulation of mild modifications of existing rules in the spirit of commercialized norms and imitating them- But, on the contrary another code or a series of separate laws, with the tendencies of economic unification, would represent codification of the economic law whose domain would be limitted to those legal affairs where the influence of national environment is disappearing or is neglected. Facing this dilemma, the author declares himself for separation of the civil and economic laws. He stresses in particular that we still have the domain of the former private law into which the commere’ alized tendencies have not yet penetrated (family, matrimonial, inheritance, etc. laws), as there is the domain of such norms where the influence of administrative law is felt more than in economic law, (water, commassation, housing, etc.). He thinks that a solution of two obligation codes would suit us better, stressing that economic law could be codified in our country by using a series of separate laws. The author po'nts, alongside with the problem of material law, the question of the unity or separation of the judicial system: courts of general jurisdiction and special economic courts. He is in favour of separate judicature.

RÉSUMÉ Le procès de commercialisation du droit civil A l’occasion de la codification prochaine du droit contractuel de la Yougoslavie, en tant que question préalable, deux conceptions ont été émises: sur le droit des obligations unique et sur le droit contractuel divisé, le droit civil séparément, et le droit économique séparément, l’auteur s’est proposé d’éclaircir la genèse de ce problème. Au cours de tout le XlXème siècle se problème divisait, et aujourd'hui encore il divise, les théoriciens et les législateurs- Un grand nombre de personnes a adopté le point de vue que les droit des obligations civil porte l’empreinte du milieu national et qu’il doit correspondre à sa conception. Inversement le droit des obligations commercialisé