Assyrian texts : being extracts from the Annals of Shalmaneser II., Sennacherib, and Assur-bani-pal. : with philological notes : by E. A. Budge




kharrz, “deserts.” Comp. Heb, 710.

nakhalli, “streams.” Comp. Heb. 𒋡𒋫

nadbak, “ridge” (Smith). Heb. P27, “to cleave.”

melie, “ascents.” Heb. 𒊒 𒄗 goup;” like zadve, “gifts ; magze, “ districts.”

. DP. cuza. Of Accadian origin. Explained by cas‘su, W.A.T,, 1. 46, 50.

Comp. Heb. 8P2. astamadikh, this reading is proved by W.A.Z,, iii. 12, 39, for astandikh. MM usually, but not always, becomes z before a sibilant, dental, or guttural (Sayce, Gram., 1872). “I was lying.” Iphtaneal of TOW. supsuku, “impassable,” Shaph. pres. permansive of pwp. Aram. pod.

. astakhkhid, “| travel far,” pres. Iphteal of nw.

arme, “a wild sheep or goat.” Syr. NIN.

. elt, “l ascended,” 1st sing. masc. aor. Kal my.

bircat, “my knees,” dzrka, dual of dzrcu. Comp. Heb. 31272; cons. 2).

. manakhtu, “rest,” abstract subs. Comp. Heb, TJ.

2s@, 3rd dual aor. Kal of zsz, “to have.” Comp. Heb. 𒌓 TAG = abnuu, “stone.” Heb. 128. ustb, Ist sing. masc. aor. Kal. Comp. Heb. 2%.

. A-MES = 72e, “waters.” Comp. Heb. 0").

mad, subs. sing. gen. case. Heb. 4N3, a “bottle.”

catsutt, generally rendered “impure,” “nauseous.” mc nad? catsuti = “its impure waters from a bottle.”

Ju-asti, “then | drank,” 1st sing. masc. aor. Kal. Comp. Heb. 77,

𒉼 must be carefully distinguished from commencing the precative.

. SU-SI-MES = ubant, “peaks.” Comp. Heb. 172.

kharsant, gen. plu. of kharsu. Comp. Heb. Yn.

. astacan, “1 establish,” 1st sing. masc. pres. Iphteal.

TAKHTA = abucta, “overthrow.” Heb. 727. acs-wd, “I captured,” Ist sing. masc. aor. Kal. Compare Arab. kashada.

. aslula, 1st sing. masc. aor. (of motion) Kal. Heb. 𒌓𒌓

salla, “spoil,” deriv. from above root. appul, 1st sing. masc. aor, Kal. Heb, 73). akkur, ist sing. masc. aor. Kal. Heb. 7). utiy, “1 turned.” Heb. 79m.