Bilten Bitefa


( a short resume )

Startinc from the rcremises of a real historical _

fact, the plav of Marin SoOreScu exceedš

thankx to the wide opčeninc of its contents of

ideas ~ the framewOrk of a historical blay, since

its proječtion, widely generalizing, has in

tselt some other lines, gp appart from the dominćerind one, batrFiotic, becominc thus a

truthful analysis of everlasting dimensions and

the atribute oF humanitv.

The real historical fact, on the basis of which “„.Marin „Soresću is building up his action of the penetration of Mahmud IT, ( a Turkish Sultan ) into the Roumanian Lana, a menetration whicli had for its aim the bringinc to the throne of Radu the Handsom, instead of his elder brother vrag Genes (iĐracčula ). O Bjs way to Lhe Danube, the Sultan'is trying to get away OF HiLS boredom by writing ođes, evaluating his talents in critical disputes with Vidin Fasha (a high courtier with the licerary FrepukaciO) and, from time to time, he attends the theatrical performance which represents an evocative reconstruc _tion of themost voiced Siltan”'s acćhievelent the conquest of Byzantium. It is a theatričal piece which protagonists are he himself and Đvzantine captives, led by the Sultan on his long CELE like some living tropies ( eloqGuent proofs ož · his triumphant concuest but, at the same time ompris OF his Fall). OnEhiSs 1o0ng journey Radu (. Cepes” brother anda the usurper OF his brofther s throne) meets Pinzaru, a Roumanian refugee WRO, after visitinc | lVMaB towns, feels homesick.

Radu gives him a promice that he will take him . back home , but he đenounceS lim eventually asa Spy” and Pinzaru is nanged.