Bilten Bitefa

Because of these Rađu“'s tricks, the former Sultan s commissair loses some of his infiuence.

With so much facility, the Turkish army crosses the Danube. To Mennmua“s great surzrise in the Lana of the Houmanians, thev see neither daefenders nor fortifications: “instead oT fortifications => ghosts”', Gries out of the Sultan, ' instead Of loopholeš „ant hilisS" ana instead O? soldiers ~ rakbits andweasels". At the end, the famous Turkish forces see a heard of cattle and its herdđsman. "he Sultan gives an Order to catci them but, from the stomach of the cattle Spranc outseven Roumanian đ6ighnt3rs wao took up a ficht wWitbLn a company of Turkish soldiers... ihev kill four OoZž them during the đight Lbut three of tnem manace to run away. ihis war trick, similar to that of Troy, represents a part of a well develored sygtem of Cemes“figntc, wWno use& ali tnose means which frightenea an& destroyed the enetiy. Anotner trick was based on Gressing or Roumanian soidiers into Turkish uniforma, wiich. made Fantastic pano among the Sultan“s soldiers and inflicted a fatal disaster. "The Turks, attackea by night tells a cvysantctian chronicler of bhe cime werewm killing each other ana, wnen the daawn Cale, the Vlachs retreateđ to their own caip:. The tvrant ( The Sultan ) evadBHated his cani> ana, . > running away before shame,crosseqd thlie Danube anc returneG to Adrianogol.“

Thus, the camzaign of Mahmud II against the Land


Of Roumanians ends in the play. Toma, ome of the ariiy 20.

commanders in Cepes army, whose wite waited

FOr him all day long With a ready meal, veturns home with a wound, but he hides it away, saying that. hehas coucht a cold. kis wife is arranging everything, as is thecustom upon a return of a soldier from the war, to apply leeches. But, tnis time, the commanđer of the army dies. his wife however, pretends that Tom has not died ana tunat he is only having a rest.” We cannot die just Like that „ she eriesout ak tuce oehd, succeaing tO OVeTFCOHIC her &1iSpažtr.