
pozoriste chicanosa Ovaj komad и pet cinova, koji traje I je dan i po cas, moie se najbolje okarakterisati kao odraz zivota ' Chicana и 20. veku. Radnja komada jbuhvata period od sedamdeset godina i obraduje problème presudne za narod Chicana od dana meksicke revolucije do danas. Toplim i humanim bojama »Zrtva« iznosi na scena istorijat jedne Chicane— meksicke izbeglicke porodice, koja je bila pogodena socijalno-ekonomskim teskocama svog doba. Fabula komada prenosi se s generacije na generaciju ove politicki razjedinjene porodice i govori о njenoj barbi sa nemastinom i imigracionim vlastima Sjedinjenih Americkih Drzava. Radnja dostize vrhunac kad glavna licnost dolazi и sukob sa ostalim clanovima porodice; na taj nacin t retira osnovni i univer zaini problem sukoba vrednosti. » Zrtva « je istovremeno visoko umetnicko dostignuce i znacajan drustveni dokument. U komada je zastupljen dvojezicni govor (spanski i engleski), dok je muzicki deo predstavljen corridosima, rancherosima i bolerosima. Svaki prizor ima poseban naslov i pocinje istorìjskim citatom, koji se tokom igre parafrazira da bi objasnio svoju vezu sa postupcima i zivotima prikazanih licnosti. Korìsteci mali broj rekvizita, osam clanova ansambla ostvaruje priblizno pedeset likova. Tokom niza godina, El Teatro de la Esperanza je razvio metod pisanja sopstvenih tekstova, пеки vrstu kolektivnog stvaranja. Svi clanovi trupe su ukljuceni и stvaralacki procès, i to od pocetne koncepcije, pa sve do konacnog oblikovanja predstave. Na taj nacin, poste niza turneja, traganja, pisanja i revizija, » Zrtva « je nesumnjivo postala do sada najbolje ostvarenje Esperanze. Kao nekomercijalno profesionalno pozoriste La Esperanza daje predstave и skolama, na univerzitetima, po zatvorima, и parkovima, и radnim logorima i и crkvama. Osim toga, ovo pozoriste, cije je sediste и Santa Barbari, gostovalo je na internacionalnim festivalima obe Amerike, kao i na meksickoj televiziji, a ohjavilo je i antologiju Chicana drama i snimìlo sest filmava.

The how and a half play consists of five acts and can bes be described as a reflection of Chicana life in the 20th century. The play covers a time lapse of almost seventy years focusing on the major problems which have affected the Chicano people from the days of the Mexican Revolution to the present. » La Vidima« brings to the stage the Chicano/Mexicano experience in a truly warm and human portrayal of an immigrant family swept by the socio-economic forces of our times. The plot line follows through the generations, a family divided by political borders as it struggles with poverty and United States Immigation authorities. The play reaches a climax as the central character is pitted against his family by social circumstance ; and in this manner, the piece places before the audience, a basic and universal confrontation of values. »La Vidima« is at the same time a high artistic acheivement and an important social statement. The language of the play is bilingual (Spanish and English) and employs a musical narration in the form of corridas, rancheras, and boleros. Each scene is also introduced with a title and historical quote which is then developed to show its relationship and how it functions in the lives of the characters. The work is staged in full view of the audience with a minimal use of props, and the eight member ensemble takes on the roles of nearly fifty characters. Over the year, El Teatro de la Esperanza has developed a method of writing its own material, the collective creation. Through this process the entire company is involved in the totality of the dramatic experience, from the creation of the initial concept to the final execution of the production. In this fashion, after one year of touring, research, scripting, and revision, »La Vidima« is without a doubt, Esperanza’s finest production to date. El Teatro de la Esperanza is a non-profit cultural and educational corporation which has been working in theatre for the last eight years. The companies main objective is to do high quality professional theatre for low-income audiences, and for those people who do not generally have access to the arts. The teatro has performed at schools, universities, community colleges and centers, prisons, parks, labor camps, and churches. The group has toured to international festivals and has appeared on both American and Mexican national television. The company conducts courses at both the University and community college level, has published an anthology of Chicano drama, runs educational workshops, has produced six films, and has been reviewed in national and international theatre journals including »The Drama Review« (TDR), » The Educational Theatre Journal« and »The Latin American Theatre Review«. El Teatro de la Esperanza is based in Santa Barbara and

la esperanza