
šte, pravi dragulj. Ova tri komada u izvodenju ove trojice glumača treba svakako ponovo staviti na repertoar i svakog mladog (i ne tako mladog) glumca obavezno dovesti da vidi do kakvih je višina umetnost glume kadra da se vine D Lillie F. Rosen, Jewish Journal. 2. maja 1985

Beckettova uzvišena sumoma lepota Ako mene pitaš, mi smo stvorení jedno za drugo kaže jedna stara skitnica drugoj u Teatar I (Theatre I), u jednom od tri komada Samuela Becketta, koje La Mama premijerno izvodi u Americi. To isto bi moglo da se kaže za Becketta, pisca, Geralda Thomasa, reditelja i Georgea Bartenieffa, Juliana Веска i Fredericka Neumanna, trojicu izvršnih izvodača u ovoj zadivljujučoj predstavi.

Bartenieff i Neumann igraj u klasične Beckettove skitnice- u jezivo smešnom komadu Teatar I. Oni se oslanjaju jedan na drugog, jer im to prijateljstvo očajnika omogučava da se uzajamno i pomažú i muce tokom čitavog života, koji izgleda beskonačan. Neumann, duševniji od dvojice, slepi je muzičar koji zavisi od svog okatog druga, jer zahvaljujuči njemu saznaje kako drveče raste i napreduje. Bartenieff je veliko džangrizalo koje stalno gunda iz svojih invalidskih kolica. Medutim, nije dovoljno nesrečan, a i suviše je prepreden da bi želeo da umre. Ova dva savršeno uigrana glumca u ulogama dobrog momka i rdavog momka pojavljuju se kao islednici u komadu Teatar 11. Oni čeprkaju po ličnim dokuraentima čoveka koji predstavlja neiscrpan majdan tuge, dok on stoji pokraj otvorenog prozora odmeravajuči sadržinu sopstvenog života da bi se odlučio da li da skoči ili da ne skoči kroz otvoren prozor. Covek koji stoji u tako izražajnoj nepomičnosti je Julian Beck. On liči na izvajani deo scenografije puste zemlje dočarane svetlo-tamnim tonovima. To je, u stvari, soba koju je

Daniela Thomas tako dramatično scenografski osmislila, a Howard Thies dopunio svetlosnim efektima. Beck izvodi svoj sólistickí podvig u komadu To doba (That Time). To je monodrama skorijeg datuma, u koj oj i samo seéanje predstavlja drámu za sebe. Zatvorenih očiju, savršeno isplaniranog izraza lica u svetlosnom nimbusu, u monologu snimIjenom na magnetofonsku traku, on izgovara svoje misii kóje se odnose na jedno drugo vreme. Sanjajuči, a možda i umiruči, njegove misii dosežu do vremena u kome je kao dete bio u stanju da otkriva i lepe strane života. Mišiči na glumčevom licu naprežu se da dosegnu do tog vremena, ali očajnički glas otkriva beskorisnost takvog napora. Sve to spada u sumomo, ali i neverovatno lepo pozorište QMarilyn Stasio, New York Posl, 22. mana 1985

Gerald Thomas Gerald Thomas (Director) has been directing premiers of plays by Beckett, Genet and his own from the age of 15, starting as assistant to Victor Garcia in the 1969 Brazilian production of The Balcony. Most recently, he adapted and directed the world premiere of Beckett’s prose piece. All Strange Away at La Mama and subsequently in re-cast at the Samuel Beckett Theatre, and on WBAI radio, Thomas directed Beckett’s Fizzles, Echoe’ s Bones, Ping, and Lessness with Julian Beck. Experimental productions in London in recent years, devoted to staged stillness, and the thought process analogy have given way to a book, to be published in Britain, called the Language of Communication. A cultural exchange visit to China, which included workshops and lectures, was the pre-

mise for this book on yet another theory for actors. Gerald Thomas has been a painter all his life, having exhibited at the Tate Gallery in London and publishing regularly in the OPED page of the' New York Times and the Boston Globe. A film for PBS, The Other and I with Bill Raymond was directed in 1982 by Thomas and his wife, Daniela. Fragments of The Hunting Season, his recent work, were recently performed in East Berlin. Stop. Can’t say more. Except that this production is dedicated to Ruth Escobar, Tom Bishop, and Jerelle Kraus □

Frederick Neumann Frederick Neumann (A, Bertrand) a member of Mabou Mines, played in B-Beaver, animation originated at La Mama, and Shaggy Dog Animation, Beckett’s Cascando, Mercier

and Gamier and Company (directed by himself and Honora Fergusson); the New York Shakespeare Festival’s The Tempest and David Rabe’s Goose and Tom Tom; Richard 111 on Broadway with A 1 Pacino; Peter Schumann’s Othello-, The American Repertory Theatre’s Has Washington Legs and Lulu, which toured Europe and Israel; Peer Gynt under Liviu Ciulei’s direction at the Guthrie; and recently starred in The Fetishist by Michel Tournier, a production of the ÜBU Repertory Theatre. Just recently finished filming the Mabou Mines production of Dead End Kids. Mr. Neumann received in 1984 an OBIE award for performance in the original production of Franz Xavier Kroetz’ Through The Leaves. He is presently working on the staging of a new Mabou Mines production of Samuel Beckett’s Westward Ho with speical permission from the authorD

George Bartenieff George Bartenieff (B. Morvan) last appeared at La Mama in Paul Foster’s Madonna in the Orchard in ’65. More recently he returned from a five country tour including Poland of a Theatre for the New City premiere Diagonal Man playing the title role in French, German, and Polish with the Bread and Puppet Theatre Co. Again at TNC he played Faust and General Groves in the Mabou Mines production of “Dead End Kids” in which he appeared at the Public Theatre and in extensive tours including the Spoleto Festival, Charleston, S. C. Before joining with his wife Crystal Field, as a co-founder and co-Artistic Director of TNC he appeared in several plays at the Public Theatre including Trelawny of the Wells, The Memorandum, Alls

Well that ends Well in the Park, The Expressway, a street theatre, piece directed by Crystal Field which inaugurated the Other Stage at the Public Theatre. Other Off Broadway credits include The Brig with the Living Theatre and playing Krapp’s Last Tape and Peter in the Zoo Story back to back at the Cherry Lane. He’s appeared in 8 Broadway shows including Montserrat by Lillian Heilman, Home Fries by John Quare, Box Mao Box by Edward Albee and the 67 revival of Room Service. He appeared in Andre Gregory’s Theatre for the living Arts in Philadelphia, Washington Arena, and the Hartford Stage Co. On film he’s in The Brig, Dead End Kids, Hot Rock, and Zero with Universe □

Julian Beck Julian Beck was born in New York City in 1925 and is the founder, with


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