
go - eksorcistično fazo ustvarjanja, ki je bila posvečena ideji o nujnosti obnove slovenske gledališke umetnosti, V eksorcistični fazi je Gledališče Sester Scipion Nasice izvedlo Retrogardistični dogodek, Marija Nablocka. Leto 1986/87. je posvečeno fazi retroklasike, ki z Retrogardističnim dogodkom Krst pod Triglavom sooča delovanje Gledališča Sester Scipion Nasice z delovanjem slovenskih gledaliških in nacionalnih institucij.

The Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre was founded in October 1983 with the aim to renew the theatrical arts. The Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre has no stage. The renewal ia a call for unity, that's why The Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre takes advantage of the space in all theatrical institutions.

The activity of The Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre will last for a restricted period of four years. October in the year 1987 is the month self-abolishment of The Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre. The retro-production of The Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre is determined by a four-year action and programme organisation which includes the external manifestative part and the internal creative one. The external part of the manifestation of renewal is embraced in the acts of appearance, resurrection and self-destruction. The appearance which had the función of propagating ideas began on October 30, 1983, with the first Sister Letter. It lasts four years. The act of resurrection was carried out on October 15, 1984. The act of self-destruction means the end of the Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre's activity, which will be documented in a letter declaring the self-destruction of the theatre in 1987. In the letter of self-destruction the names and individual point-

of-view definitions of all contributors will be announced. The internal creative part is devided into three phases. The first illegal phase of the activity of The Sister Scipion Nasice Theatre was completed with the end of the year 1983 when the first perfomance of the Retrogardistic Event Hinkemann was enacted. The Retrogardistic Event Hinkemann was prepared and carried out under illegal conditions with the aim - to gradually constitute and manifest the Idee and retromethod of the Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre’s activity. In 1984. the Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre went over to the second exorcistic phase of the activity which was devoted to the belief in the necessity for the renewal of the Slovene theatrical arts. In the phase the Sister Scipion Nasice Theatre performed the Retrogardistic Event Marija Nablocka. The period between 1986-87 will be dedicated to the retro-classic phase which confronts the activity of the Sisters Scipion Nasice Theatre with the activity of the Slovene theatrical and national

institutions by carrying out the Retrogardistic Event Baptism under Triglav.

Das Theater der Schwestern Seipion Nasice wurde im Oktober 1983. gegründet, und zwar mit dem Ziel, die Theaterkunst wiederaufzubauen. Das Theater der Schwestern Seipion Nasice hat keine Bühne. Der Wiederaufbau ist die Aufforderung zur Vereinigung, deshalb benutzt Das Theater der Schwestern Seipion Nasice den Raum aller Theaterinstitutionen. Die Tätigkeit des Theaters der Schwestern Scipion Nasice ist auf die vier Jahre dauernde Periode beschränkt. Oktober im Jahre 1987 ist der Monat der Selbstabschaffung des Theaters des Schwestern Scipio Nasice Die Retro-Produciton des Thea-