
ovogodišnjeg BITEF-a nove definicije 88 odražava potrebu za novim deflnicijama. Nadamo se da će na kraju 22. BITEF-a te definicije biti pronadene, а пеке od njih, već narednih godina, Я|й dobro znane, pa i zastarele. □ Mira Trailović/Jovan Ćirilov


In selecting the best performances for the Belgrade International Theatre Festival (BITEF) we have never had any preconceived

sub-headings in mind, except the one we broadly define as „new theatrical tendencies“. The choice of performances for each season was left to our own feeling of what was new, and we searched for it in each individual case. When a selection was final and affirmed by the Advisory Board of BITEF, it would become evident that most performances had something in common. That is how more or less successful sub-headings crystallized over years: theatricalism ’74; post-avantgarde ’77; the theatre of the fin de millénaire ; retro-garde ’B4; the theatre of essence ’B6...ect. This year, the choice of performances from various theatrical backgrounds and traditions has again shown much in common. It was difficult, however, to define that „common“ from the very beginning. Most performances this year belong to a large family of the so-called non-verbal theatre, but they cannot be reduced to

