
Lutalice i sanjari 93

Prosie godine odrźali smo „Bitef pod embargom“, prvi Bitef bez stranih trupa □ Ove godine, iako su okolnosti još teže, pokušaćemo da organizujemo Bitef kako je to zamišljeno od osnivanja, kao međunarodni festival □ Bice to festival stranih i naših umetnika, a za publiku susret sa predstavama koje Beograd nije video □ Vecinà izabranih bile bi na ovogodišnjem Bitefu i da nije embarga, drugim rečima dolaze nam ansambli koji karakterišu današnji pozorišni trenutak u svetu, ili tačnije rečeno označavaju jedan tok savremenog teatra □ Sve tendencije veoma razuđenog svetskog pozorišnog trenutka ni ranije nismo mogli ni da obuhvatimo □ Ovoga puta to su pozorišta u tradiciji lutalica-jeretika, nekada izopćenih iz svojih sredina, koji su sve što su imali nosili sa sobom u kolima pod arnjevima i sanjali zajedno sa publikom tamo gde se jedne večeri zaustave, na poljani, trgu ili crkvenoj porti, gdegod ih prihvate □ Oni su najbolji dokaz da igranje nije i slaganje sa svojim vremenom. □ Sanjari su i klasične lutalice pod nebeskim svodom kao one iz daleke Australije, iz Rusije i Poljske, ali i łaźni car na prestolu jedne male zemlje u brdima i Don Kihot na svom Rosinantu, i Brehtovi junaci u potrazi za srećom opasnom prečicom na periferiji Londona □ Ono sto nije mogio da prede stvarnu ili imaginarnu granicu embarga, carinsku ili moralnu, doći će jednim delom u obliku projekcije sa video-trake, kao ~senka senke“, kao informacija ili kao znak prijateljstva i solidarnosti svih umetnika sveta, velikog bratstva jeretika □ Śta će se od ovakvih snova jednog festivala sa velikom tradicijom zaista u septembru i dogoditi, vise ne zavisi samo

od nas □ Od nas je samo zavisilo da li demo hteti da pokušamo □ Jovan Ćirilov Wanderers and Dreamers ’93 Last year we organized „BITEF under the Embargo”, the first BITEF without foreign companies □ This year, although the circumstances are even more difficult, we shall try to organize BITEF as it was meant to be from its establishment, i.e., as an international festival □ It is going to be a festival of Yugoslav and foreign artists, and an occasion for the public to see some of the productions which Belgrade has not seen □ The majority of the productions that have been selected would have been invited to the present BITEF even if there had been no embargo □ In other words, the troupes that are coming are representative of the present moment in the theatrical life of the world, or, more precieley, they represent a major trend in the present-day theatre □ Even earlier we were not able to encompass all the ramified developments taking place in the theatrical sphere □ This time we shall meet companies that are inheritors of the tradition of strolling players and heretics, sometimes excommunicated from their communities, who carried all they had in their waggons or carts and enacted their dreams for their public where they stopped for the day - on the village green, in the town square, in the churchyard, or wherever they were allowed to play □ They are the best proof that acting does not necessarily mean conforming to the current time □ Such dreamers are not only the typical wanderers through the wide world, such as those coming from distant