
conquests of Serbia's Prince and how the dead are rising. IV: The Costume Party In the splendor of the Serbian Court, disguised as himself, the Devil meets Unknown who tells him that the city's fate will be resolved by pigeons. Also, he sees his double, and tries to chase him down among the crowds of courtiers, as well as the Arch Angel Michael who threatens his life, and Princess Maria Augusta who begins to captivate the Devil's heart, dressed as Eve. The fireworks are interrupted by the arrival of the bleeding It. Mackenzen, who dies in the Regent's arms. Although the Lieutenant brings news of the fall of Nish, the Regent twists this fact and blames vampires for the soldier's demise. The Costume Party ends with the Regent's decision to send a group of people, among which is his wife, into a watermill in Dedinberg to investigate stories of vampire appea-rances. V: The Watermill Vuk IsakoviC, Schmidling, Radetsky, Maria Augusta, the Devil and Novak arrive to the infamous Mill. While others explore the premises, the devil and Maria Augusta talk of love again. There is a confrontation between Schmidling and Vuk Isakovič. Suddenly a woman's voice is heard. Novak brings a tongueless girl who is trying to tell them something, Vuk Isakovič, covered in blood, and wounded Radetsky who speaks of treason right before he expires, storm out of the mill. VI: The Vampire's Grave The Group sets on its way to find a sorceress who reveals to them ways to find and slay a vampire, warns them to beware of the white moth which, if it flies out of the vampire's mouth and lands on a man he is instantly turned into a vampire. Vuk Isa kovič kills Baron Schmidling under the excuse that the moth landed on him, after which he leaves to convince his master that he is not one of the dark breed. VII: The Return The group tries to return to the city, but it is impossible - the guards fire at them from the walls. An angel, Arch Angel Michael, appears. The Devil kills him and exposes his true identity as one Nikolay Lyeskov Patkov, a traveling actor paid in gold to deceive the vampire hunters. VIII: The End of the Story Jingle bells and horrifying voices are heard as vampires, attacking from all sides, enter. Finally, Serbia's Regent- their master- arrives, resolving the situation by explaining how everyone amused themselves greatly playing vampires, while he sold Belgrade to the Turks. He introduces the new ruler and hands the torch to his wife who is supposed to end the Devil and Novak's lives, but out of despair and disappointment she dies with them as well.

befallen Serbia. Suddenly, Princess Maria Augusta appears, on her way to secretly sending a love letter to Gen. Doksat in Nish, in which action the Count Von Hausburg helps her with utmost pleasure. Ill: The Meeting Serbia's Regent, Alexander of Winterberg, coming back from a hunting trip with his servant Vuk Isakovič, runs into the Devil and Novak. The Regent immediately uncovers the true identity of the Count Von Hausburg, and the latter gets an opportunity to hear of the great

KOKAN MLADENOVIĆ Autor dramatizacije i reditelj predstave Roden u Nišu 30. aprila 1970. godine. Završio srednju glumačku školu u Nišu u klasi Mime Vuković-Kurić. Diplomirao na Katedri za pozorišnu i radio režiju Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu 1993. godine u klasi Miroslava Belovića i Nikole Jevtića. Režije (izbor): 1992. Aleksandar Obrenović Povratak Don Zuana , Beogradsko dramsko pozorište 1993. Dušan Kovačević Maratonci trče počasni krug, Narodno pozorište, Sombar Tirso de Molina Seviljski zavodnik i kameni gost, KPGT, Subotica 1994. Bomarše Figarova ženidba Narodno pozorište, Sombor Magnus i Bunker Alan Ford, Pozorište na Terazijama, Beograd 1995. Aleksandar Popović Razvojni put Bore Šnajdera, Narodno pozorište, Beograd Alfredo Baldući Putujuće pozorište "Rikoti", Atelje 212, Beograd 1996. Aristofan, Marižić, Mladenović Mir, Pozorište na Terazijama, Beograd, 1997. Velimir Lukić Afera nedužne Izabele, Narodno pozorište, Sombor 1999. Agota Krištof Velika sveska, Atelje 212. Slobodan Selenić Ruženje naroda u dva deta, Narodno pozorište, Sombor 2000. Henrik Ibsen Per Gint , Narodno pozorište, Užice 2001. Ljubomir Simović Putujuće pozorište Šopalović, Narodno pozorište, Beograd Ivan Lalić Cuba Fibre, Srpsko narodno pozorište, Novi Sad Teri Pračet Sestre po metli, Malo pozorište "Duško Radović", Beograd 2002. Goran Petrović, Kokan Mladenović Opsada crkve Svetog Spasa, Narodno pozorište , Sombor Goran Stefanovski Bahanalije, Narodno pozorište, Subotica 2003. Mihail Bulgakov Majstor i Margarita, Narodno pozorište, Sombor Dž.J.K.Tolkin Hobit, Pozorište "Boško Buha", Beograda Mirjana Novaković Strah i njegov sluga, Atelje 212 i Belef, Beograd Nagrade: Nagrada "Bojan Stupica" za režiju Dve Sterijine nagrade za adaptaciju ( Ruženje naroda u dva dela, Afera nedužne Anabele) Sterijina nagrada za dramatizaciju ( Opsada crkve Svetog Spasa) Grand prix za režiju na festivalu "Joakim Vujić" [Per Gint) Za najbolju režiju na Vojvođanskim susretima profesionalnih pozorišta (Maratonci trie poiasni krug) "Curan" za reziju na Danima komedije u Jagodini (Kieme Grubičić Buzdovan, Narodno pozorište "LjubiSa Jovanović", Šabac.l99s) Dve nagrade za režiju na Festivalu pozorišnih praizvedbi u Paradnu (Alan Ford, Figarova ženidba ) Za najbolju režiju na Jugoslovenskoim festivalu pozorišta za djecu u Kotoru [Sestre po metli) Učešće na festivalima: BITEF, Beograd [Per Gint) “Kontakt", Torunj, Poljska [Cuba Fibre) Festival "Vojdan Cernodrinski", Prilep, Makedonija ( Bahantkinje) Studijski boravci: Festival u Avinjonu, 1990 Medunarodni festival "A.P. Čehov", Moskva, 2003