
umetnosti poslednjeg vikenda. Uza sve t 0...: "Ja sam izabrala život", kaže ona razmišljajući o samoubistvu lika koji tumači, čiji ein vise voli da nazove "nestajanje". Raspravljajući dalje o temi samoubistva, dotiče se misli Virdžinije Vulf (Virginia Wolf); "Neko mora da übije sebe, da bi drugi zavoleli živof. "Ima mnogo vrsta samoubistava, ono fizičko je samo jedno njih", ističe Erna. U ekonomski samoubilačkoj klimi u Albaniji, Ema sugeriše da "Albanci treba boije da se zagledaju u bide, u sebe, nego li u materiju". Ovu sokratovsku filozofiju übrizgala je Emi ovih dana drama Psihoza u 4.48, nova monodrama koju je na scenu postavio režiser Alfred Trebicka, a koju tumači Ema Andrea u sali Black Box Akademije umetnosti. Predstava je snažno obeležila glumicu i izvan scene. Ne samo fizički (još Suva mrlje od boje kojim je ispisala poslednja “filozofiranja" lika koji tumači, na rukama i preko ramena), nego i emocionalno. Sasvim utonula u svet glumačkog izvođenja, Ema kaže da je njen dan kad se igra predstava sam u službi uloge. "Budim se i ležem sa tekstom u mislima". Drugi deo svog dana provodi medu studentima Akademije umetnosti, gde predaje scenske kretnje, a zatim u skromnom stanu u Tirani, gde 'brinem o kćerkici, Sari, gde perem sudove,..", i sa prijateljima u kafeu ili u "House of Arts", gde se ponekad zadrži i posle ponoći. Psihoza u 4.48 je naslov dela Sare Kejn, Ema Andrea se najpre "srela" sa autorom ovog dela pre dve godine, a Psihozu je upoznala kasnije. "Organski smo stigli do realizaeije monodrame. U početku, sa Alfredom Trebickom i radnom ekipom, bavili smo se analitičkimproučavanjem teksta. Bio je na stranom jeziku, dok ga nije preveo na albanski Spetim Keljmendi. To je psihološki težak tekst i relativno naporan, a za mene je najveću teškoću predstavljalo to što sama moram da istrajem u interpretaeiji. Kad je reč o emoeijama, one se u njemu već nalaze, jer svaki čovek ima takve nedoumice i razmišlja tako, ako ima smelosti da to čini. 1) tom smislu svi smo slični unekoliko autorki koja se pri kraju svog života svakog dana budi u 4 sata i 48 minuta da bi pisala i na kraju piše i po svojim ramenima," Jučerašnji uspeh komada, svoje tumačenje uloge Ema sama meri sa uticajem koji komad ostavlja na publiku u sali, kod koje je, kako kaže ona, zapazila i one sa suzama u očima. Posle devet godina u pozorištu, Ema Andrea tu novu ulogu smatra kamenom međašem za svoj dalji glumački razvoj, "Shekulli", 29, april, 2003. Belina Budini ALFRED TREBICKA POZORIŠNE PREDSTAVE (redftelj, glumac, izvršni producent): Tripesme ljubavi, Stefan Capaljiku (2004) Psihoza u 4.48, Sarah Kane (2003) Tramvaj zvani žeja, Tenesi Vilijams (2001) Staklena menažerija, Tenesi Vilijams (2000) Papirus '94, (1994): Ovim delom je albansko pozorište bilo predstavljeno na Svetskom festfvalu eksperimentalnih pozorišta u Kairu, Egipat 1995. FILMOVI (red'rtelj, glumac, scenarista): Zvuci zaborava (1997) umetnički televizijski film. Ovim filmom Albanija je bila zastupljena na 21. festfvalu svetskog filma u Montrealu, Kanada 1997. PEDAGOŠKI RAD: 1994 - 2004. Akademija umetnosti - Fakultet scenske umetnosti (FSU)

INTERVIEW WITH ALFRED TREBICKA With the play 4.48 Psychosis by the English author Sarah Kane he "snatched" two prizes (best director and best actor) at the Debar Festival. Alfred Trebicka, the renowned director, finally an actor as well, in the People without Hope television series, presented himself in a different light at this festival. Collaboration with Ema Andrea contributed that the audiences pay attention to his drama attentively and emotionally. He evaluated the audience as the most perfect component, without passing over the jury. The professor of "fine arts" is not as calm as his everyday life would make one believe. In working with students his "wild" streak comes through as he is keen on doing everything in the best manner possible, keeping fairness in sight September shall be the month which will see the realisation of the plan regarding his new play. How does, however, Alfred Trebicka feel on art, especially theatre art? Question: A few days ago you returned from the Fier and Debar Festivals, where you (at the latter) have won the best director prize for your 4.48 Psychosis. What can you tell us about that festival? Answer: It is an international theatre festival. This year's was the second, meaning - it is a young festival. Troupes from Albanian speaking areas participated - from Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia. Surely, winning the festival prize gave me immense pleasure. We won two prizes: apart from the best director prize, Ema received the best actor prize. Without questioning the jury's ruling, I feel the audience had a great role in the award process, which was a surprise for me not only concerning our performance but the entire eight nights of the festival. The audience was the most perfect component, beginning from how they came to the theatre. Q Did you expect the first prize? Did you feel you would win? A At the last year's Fier Festival I had participated only as an actor, in Uncle Vanya, and this year I took on the role of director as well. It was peculiar that., at the Fier Festival all of the jury’s attention was focused on acting. I do not mean to boast, but I might add that the theatre public spoke only praises because of the fact that we have inconsistent critics. The Debar prize was a professional fulfillment but that doesn't mean my colleagues and I will not visit the Fier festival again. The problem is that we are very prone to inside manipulation: we tend to give away prizes out of "pity*. It is the only way to kill theatre. Q How did the idea to stage 4.48 Psychosis come to mind? A The first incitement was the author Sarah Kane and her life. She is little known in these parts, not to say she is completely unknown. The first interesting thing about the authoress was that she had committed suicide when she was 28. In fact, 4.48 Psychosis was her last play. It was not the only incentive, but that she had written five plays and one script over four or five years. She is one of the most staged and at the same time one of the authors most disputed over. The critics called her the new, modern Shakespeare, having in mind the language and the dramatic structure. This was my first contact with the piece. It has highly optimistic tones. Together with Ema Andrea, during our long discussions on the piece, we came to the conclusion that regardless of the physical destiny the author had suffered, it was an optimistic piece. It is bold in the sense of diving into the human being and discovering its deepest inner gorges. 4.48 Psychosis has autobiographic character. The author said:" I am terrorised by the fact of death and the decision to kill myself, but later on she said:" I want to live". The play doesn't end with suicide. During the work with Ema, we used the authentic Abanian expression "changed fife" (the old Albanian expression for passing away). The actual work on the play took six to seven weeks, a little less than two months. On the other hand, if we kept in mind the moment we had decided to do this play, it took seven to eight