
months. We had been gathering material on how to do it different from the traditional way, and then we had to translate the piece, where we received wonderful support from Shpetim Kelmendi, who translated it from Italian. The text has many curse words which we changed, CL You are a professor of acting at the Fine Arts Academy. What is your relationship with your students like? A; I seem calm on the outside, but those who have worked with me had the chance to see how calm I really am. I have been a pedagogue for nearly nine years. The beginning of my work with students was almost violent, they would ask themselves "what ever made me come here", and it was because all the other departments, apart from Acting and Directing, come from high schools. The others have a lyceum. All the students who come think this is easy at first When they actually face the reality, the inner pressure kicks in. The desire, passion and pleasure mix with possibilities. Without the actual notion of it passion goes without saying. At the moment you begin to work, you realise it is real. I am strict professionally, and I try to be fair. As in any human being, however, fairness is not absolute. I try to separate my relation to students over coffee from the one in the studio, CL Do you have any future projects in mind? k One of my nearest future projects is Stefan Shapaliku’s drama Three Songs of Love, 1 am planning on starting it in the second half of September. The piece has just two characters, which I haven't cast yet The cast will be announced once we've started working. The drama is social-psychological in character - the drama of a couple in three parts: in the period of youthful love, followed by their middle age fifteen years later, when they are 40, and the last song takes place when the characters are in their sixties. The language is very good. In my mind, with this piece Stefan achieved full maturity as a playwright The most positive part is that he is completely open towards me in terms of the playwrightdirector relation. CL Where did you spend your holidays? k I have been vacationing in Cyprus for years now. The reason I go and will go there is that I like both the beach and the coast very much. It has been preserved as a coastal village, it hasn't got tourist features just yet. Nisida Knezi EMA ANDREA PSYCHOSIS Tirana. Ema Andrea has been experiencing a peculiar psychosis these days. "I am constantly under psychosis, like I'm intoxicated". When she isn't working on the dark monodrama 4.48 Psychosis at the Black Box, Ema incessantly sips coffee and blows cigarette smoke at the Academy of Arts cafe. She has been studying and self-analyzing herself under the influence of existentialist experiences these days. She wakes up and goes to bed thinking of the subversive and opaque contents of the modem English piece. In the climate and psychosis of the author Sarah Kane's suicide, whose work she had been performing at the Academy of Arts last weekend. Bearing all that in mind...: "I have chosen life" she says, contemplating the suicide of the character she plays - the act of which she prefers to call "disappearance". Arguing further about the topic of suicide, she touches on Virginia Wolfe's thought "Someone must kill himself in order for others to learn to love life", 'There are many kinds of suicide; the physical is just one of many", Ema points out In the economically suicidal climate in Albania, Ema

suggests "Albanians should look better into the being, into themselves, rather than matter". This Socratic philosophy was injected into the actress by the 4.48 Psychosis play, a new monodrama set for stage by the director Alfred Trebicka, and played by Ema Andrea at the Black Box theatre of the Academy of Arts. The play has strongly marked the actress outside the stage as well. Not only physically (she still keeps the paint stains on her hands and across the shoulders, which were left from the writing of her character’s last "philosophising"), but emotionally as well. Quite immersed into the world of acting performance, Ema says that her day when the play is due for performance is completely in service to the role. "I get up and lie down thinking about the text". The other part of her day she spends among Academy students where she teaches stage movement, and then in a humble flat in Tirana, where "I take care of my little daughter Sarah, wash the dishes...", and with friends at the cafe or at the "House of Arts", where she is known to stay after midnight. 4.48 Psychosis is the title of Sarah Kane's piece. Ema Andrea first “met" the author of this work two years ago, and she got to know Psychosis later on. "We have organically come to realising a monodrama. In the beginning, with Alfred Trebicka and the working crew, we dealt with the analytic study of the text. It was in a foreign language, until it was translated to Albanian by Shpetim Kelmendi, It is a psychologically demanding text and relatively toilsome, and to me the greatest test was to endure by myself in interpreting it. Speaking of emotions, they are in it already, because every person has such inquietudes and thinks in such a manner, if they should dare to, In that way we are all like the author who, towards the end of her life, wakes up every day at the hour of 4.48 to write and ends up writing even on her shoulders". Yesterday’s success of the play and her interpretation of the role Ema measures by the influence the play leaves on its spectators amongst whom, she says, she caught some with tears in their eyes. After nine years in theatre, Ema Andrea considers this new role a milestone for her development as an actress. Beilina Budini "Shekulli", April 29,2003, ALFRED TREBICKA THEATRE (director, actor, executive producer) Three Songs of Love, Stefan Chapaliku (2004) 4.48 Psychosis, Sarah Kane (2003) A Streetcar named Desire, Tennessee Williams (2001) The'Glass Menagerie. Tennessee Williams (2000) Papyrus '94, (1994); Albanian theatre presented itself at the World Festival of Experimental theatres in Cairo, Egypt 1995 with this work. FILM (director, actor, script writer) Sounds of Oblivion (1997) A television art film. This film was Albania representative at the 21st World Film Festival n Montreal, Canada 1997. PEDAGOGICAL WORK 1994 - 2004. Academy of Arts - The Faculty of Stage Arts (FSU)