
September 29th BITEF Theatre 22:00 Duration; 1 h Directed by; Tatjana Mandič-Rigonat Cast: Dobrila Stojnić (Mother) and Aieksa Bartol (Boy) Voice: Elio Rigonat Costume: Milena Jevtić Ničeva Kostić Reviser: Ljiljana Mrkić Popović Light Design: Radomir Stamenković Sound Design: Zoran Jerković Music selection: Tanja Mandić-Rigonat Music by: Igor Gostuški, Federico Garcia Lorca, Enrique Granados, Francisco de la Torre, Spanish traditional music and music from Spanish civil war... Costumes made by: Vesa Karanović Photography: Vukica Mikača Executive Producer; Instituto "Cervantes" supported by National Theatre Belgrade and BITEF Theatre DOBRILA STOJNIĆ In forty years of her theatre life she played about 100 great roles, speaking the lines by Shakespeare, Machiavelli, Bergman, Goldoni, Tolstoy, von Kleist, Chekhov, Jasmina Reza, Nušić, Montherlant, Dostoevski and many other great authors. This is her first Arrabal. ABOUT THE DIRECTOR Tanja Mandić-Rigonat graduated in directing from the Faculty of Dramatic Art, where she was in the class of Professor Dejan Mijač. She has directed the following plays: Lovely Rita by T. Brush (SKC), Miss Julia by A. Strindberg (Atelje 212), The Hilarious Tragedy by D. Kovačević (Vršac), Lolita by V. Nabokov (BITEF Theatre), The Loves of George Washington by M. Gavran (Atelje 212), Bergmann's Sonata (The National Theatre), Talula by J. Stein (BELEF), The Man of Coincidences by J. Reza (The NationalTheatre), Collected Stories by D. Margulis (Atelje 212), The Ear, the Throat, the Knife by V, Rüden (Atelje 212), Dead Ears by O. Bogayev (the National Theatre of Sombor), The Terrace by J. Hristić (Yugoslav Drama Theatre), The Icy Firefly by V. Radoman (Madlenianum), Oxygen by I..Viripaev (BELEF/YDT), Judge (The NationalTheatre). She has dramatised the novel Lolita (together with B, Maksić), The Devil was Hot (stories by Charles Bukowski), Dead Souls by Gogolj (directed by Dejan Mijač), Evil Spirits by Dostoyevski. She has written two collections of poems: The Mystery of a Happy Contrabass and From Bird Life. FERNANDO ARRABAL Arrabal, Fernando (b. Aug.l 1,1932, Melilla, Spanish Morocco) Spanish-born French absurdist playwright, novelist and filmmaker. Arrabal worked as a clerk in the paper company, then studied law at the University of Madrid, He turned to writing in the early 19505, and in 1955 he went to study drama in Paris, where he remained.

The first volume of his plays was published in 1958, and the 1959 production of Pique-nique en campagne (Picnic on the Battlefield), an antiwar satire, brought him to the attention of the French avant-garde. Arrabal's most important play of this early period is probably Le Cimitière des voitures (1958, Automobile Graveyard), a parody of the Christ story. After the mid-19605, Arrabal's plays became increasingly formal and ritualistic, evolving into what Arrabal called Théâtre Panique. Among the plays of this highly productive period are L'Architecte et l'empereur d’Assyrie (1967; The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria) and Et ils passèrent des menottes aux fleurs (1969; And They Put Handcuffs on the Flowers), which, with its theme of freedom from oppression, was inspired by the author's imprisonment while on a journey to Spain in 1967. Arrabal's first novel Baal Babylons (1959) dealt with his nightmarish childhood in fascist Spain; in 1970 he adapted it into the screenplay ¡Viva la muerte! (Long Live Deathl) and directed its filming in Tunisia. Fernando Arrabal had participated three times at Bitef. First time in 1968 on 2nd Bitef with performance Automobile Graveyard. The performance had won Grand Prix of the Festival and the audience award. The second Arrabal's text performed at Bitef had been Le Jardin des Délices in 1970. Next year, on sth Bitef, Theatre de Poche from Bruxelles performed famous Ils passèrent les menottes aux fleurs against Franco prisons.

HK Instituto Cervantes