
sion of4oo years from the first Spanish edition), with the performance Frida Kahlo MADLENIANUM turns once again to the modern drama text. In the realization of this performance a significant support was rendered by the Embassy of Mexico in Belgrade and H. E. Eduardo Hector Moguel Flores, as well as by the University of Arts and its rector, Mr. Čedomir Vasić. IVANA VUJIC Ivana Vujić, director and Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, is one of the most controversial and the most successful directors of the contemporary Serbian theatre. Always on the verge of extravagance, in a permanent search of modernness, and always being alert to the world trends, this director has become on Belgrade stages a synonym of theatre modernness, a new and unconventional dramatic expression. Ivana Vujić is the founder of BETON HALA THEATRE and she has staged over 60 performances of many authors: Shakespeare, Webster, Sartre, Jeunet, Becket, lonesco, Brecht, Euripides, Wilde, Schimmelpfenig, and Coltes. She directed in Slovenia, Germany and Italy. SANJA DOMAZET Sanja Domazet, born in Smederevo, graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. She is a established playwright (Stuffed Zucchini, Lead Wings), but she is also active as a literature and theatre reviewer in the daily newspaper Danas (Today). Beside the drama Frida Kahlo, Sanja Domazet also finished the drama Coco about the most famous creator of 20th century, as well as the novel Who is crying, which was shortlisted for the NIN Award for the novel of the year 2005. Sanja Domazet is predominantly a lyrical author in whose works intermingle human destinies, with their reflections and preoccupations. A thin edge between the two worlds; the interior one, which permanently seeks for satisfaction, and the exterior one, which disturbs such satisfaction, is a place of wrangling, struggling, success and destruction of the literary heroes of Sanja Domazet.