
(Andrei Çerban) studirao je na Pozorišnom institutu и Rumuniji. Ü okviru eksperimentalnog pozorišnog centra La MaMa, režirao je predstavu Fragmenti grcke trilogije koja je osvojila nekoliko „Obie", kao i nekoliko drugih medunarodnih nagrada, a gostovala je na preko 20 festivala širom sveta. Sarađivao je sa Piterom Brukom na Brukovom međunarodnom pozorišnom institutu, kako u Parizu tako i u Persepolisu. U njujorškom Linkoln centre režirao je Eshilovog Адатетпопо, i Čehovljev Višnjik, koji je dobio nagradu „Toni” za najbolju brodvejsku ponovnu inscenaciju. Režiraoje u pozorištima Public Theatre, Yale Repertory, The Guthrie, Circle in The Square, Delacorte, A. С. T. iz San Franciska, American Repertory Theatre u Kembridžu, Kraljevskom narodnom pozoristu u Londonu, Schauspielhaus Bohum, Comedie Française u Parizu, te mnogim drugim. Bio je i upravnik Rumunskog narodnog pozorišta i režirao ореге sirom sveta.

ANDREI SERBAN studied at the Theatre Institute in Romania. At La MaMa Experimental Theatre Center, he directed Fragments of a Greek Trilogy, which won several Obie and international awards and has been performed at more than 20 international festivals. He worked with Peter Brook at Brook's International Theatre Institute in both Paris and Persepolis. At New York's Lincoln Center he directed Aeschylus' Agamemnon and Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, the latter of which won a Tony Award for Best Revival. He has directed at the Public Theatre, Yale Repertory, the Guthrie, Circle in the Square, Delacorte, San Francisco's A.C.T., the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, the Royal National Theatre in London, Schauspielhaus Bochum, and the Comedie Française in Paris, among others. He acted as general director of the Romanian National Theatre and has staged opera productions all over the world.