

Ovo putovanje ka identitetu ili ova borba za njega. Ovaj bizaran svet, ponekad mracan, a istovremeno tako svetao. Ova priča će svakako biti autentično i iskreno svedočanstvo. Napajano onim što nam glumačka podela nudi svakodnevno. Ti velikodušni ljudi, tako puni ožiljaka. Ožiljaka na koži i ožiljaka koje ne vidimo na prvi pogled. Ali sa voljom da prežive predrasude čije su bili ili su još uvek žrtve. Odsečci života stavljeni u vizuelnu predstavu u kojoj je pies u skladu sa pesmom, sa rečima i frazama, ali možda iznad svega sa svim posebnim i ranjivim dušama koje ćete želeti da zagrlite. Putovanje nam je tako drago. Napredujemo bez žurbe. A svaki sekund je čudesno otkriće. Neizmerno bogatstvo informacija. Nezaboravan susret koji će nam sigurno promeniti živote. Alen Platel - Frank van Leke, Maj 2010.

This journey or this struggle towards an identity This bizarre world, sometimes dark and at the same time so luminous. This story will certainly be an authentic and honest testimony. Nourished by what the cast gives us every day. These generous people, so full of scars. Scars on their skin and scars that we don't perceive at first sight. But with a will to survive the prejudices of which they were or still are the victims. Slices of life, put into a visual show where dance harmonises with song, with words and phrases, but perhaps above all with special and vulnerable souls that you'll want to embrace. The journey is so dear to us. We advance without hurrying. And every second is a magical discovery. An immense treasury of information. An unforgettable encounter which is certain to chanc- our liver Alain Platel - Frank Van Laecke, May 2010