
Ono što ih povezuje su belezi duboko urezani u njihove duše. Ono što ih goni napred je nezamisliva volja da opstanu. U nadi da će uspeti, Preobražajem. Hi ne. Sa svešću da je cena neverovatno visoka. Mačka ima devet života. Oni imaju vise. Ali pitanje je da li im zbog toga treba zavideti... Svako od njih traži. Svako živi u svetu koji je ponekad čudan, ponekad ne, ponekad nesavladiv, ponekad ne. Sve je još uvek otvoreno. Staza nas može odvesti bilo kuda. I stvarima koje bismo da izbegnemo. А pre svega stvarima koje se ne smeju poricati. Ova koreografija rodova.

What binds them are the marks scored deep on their souls. What drives them is the unimaginable will to survive. In the hope they will succeed. Through transformation. Or not. In the knowledge that the price is incredibly high. A cat has nine lives. They have more. But the question is whether this makes them enviable... Each one is searching. Each lives in a world which is sometimes strange, sometimes not, sometimes overwhelming, sometimes not. Everything is still open. The path can lead us everywhere. Also to things we wish to avoid. And above all to things that mustn't be denied. This choreography of genders.