


Vera Konjović


Vera Konjović


19, 20. i 21. September, 17:30 Muzej jugoslovenske kinoteke Najstarija prateca manifestacija Bitefa - Bitef no film и je osuđena da se stalno menja i prilagođava glavnom programu, prilikama i neprilikama koje prate i njega i nas. Godinama, to jest svih trideset šest godina postojanja, Bitef na filmu je menjao i oblik i sadržaj. Na početku je bila istorija, na programu su bili najstariji snimci teatarskih predstava s početka XX. veka, na primer Ricard 111 iz 1911, godine. Sledili su dokumentarni filmovi о pozorišnim rediteljima, glumcima, teatrima, dokumentäre о stvaranju i rađanju predstava, snimci značajnih predstava koje iz nekog razloga nisu mogle da učestvuju na Festivalu, a često je praćen i moto Festivala. Mnogo puta su, kao i ove godina, autori glavnog programa uticali na izbor priloga. Učesnici ovogodišnjeg Bitefa su mnogi autori čiji je rad i neobiCan i mnogostran, te se sama po sebi nametnula ideja da se u program uvrste filmovi о načinu njihovog rada. U dokumentären Poslednji pejzaž Jožef Nađ govori о idejama i uticajima koji su usmeravali njegov rad, tumad pokrete, zvuke, scenografiju svojih predstava. Film Ratnid lepote delo Pjera Kolibefa umetnika i filmskog stvaraoca, bavi se opsenom inspirisanom koreografskim i teatarskim kreadjama Jana Fabra. Frank Kastorf, dobitnik Bitefove nagrade, intendant berlinske Folksbine postavio je na scenu Pohlepu za zlatom po filmu Eriha fon Strohajma Pohlepa. Zatim je predstavu pretodo i u krad igrani film. U filmu Iskustvo stvah prikazan je nesvakidašnji način rada Hajnera Gebelsa, koji je već treéi put gost Bitefa. Film je režirao Mark Peru i sam poznat kao mnogostrani umetnik. Vera Konjović

19 th , 20 th and 21 st September, 17:30 Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive The oldest side programme of Bitef - Bitef on Film - must constantly change and adapt to the main programme and its fate, be it good or bad. Bitef on film has been changing its form and content throughout the thirty-six years of the festival's existence. At the beginning, its orientation was historical. It presented the oldest filmed performances; for example, Richard 111 from 1911. After that, the programme screened documentaries on theatre directors, actors, theatres, documentaries on making of performances, recordings of the performances which, for some reason, could not come to Bitef, and the choice often revolved around the motto of the festival. The authors present in the main programme have many times influenced the choice, as is the case this year as well. This year's participants are many authors whose work is unusual and multifaceted, and it gave birth to the idea of screening the films about their way of work. In his documentary The Last Landscape, Josef Nadj talks about the ideas and influences which guided him in his work, he interprets the motions, the sounds and the stage design of his performances. In his film The Warriors of Beauty, an artist and filmmaker Pierre Coulibeuf deals with an illusion inspired by Jan Fabre's choreographic and theatre creations. Frank Castrof, a Bitef laureate and the artistic director of Berlin theatre Volksbühne, has staged the perhormance Creed for Cold, based on Erich von Stroheim's film Greed, which he, later, turned into a short fiction film. Documentary The Experience of Things shows the unique way of working of Heiner Goebbels who, this year, participates at Bitef for the third time. The film is directed by Marc Peroud, a versatile artist himself. Vera Konjović