
19. septembar, 17:30 POSLEDNJI PEJZAŽ / DERNIER PAYSAGE Dokumetarni film

September 19th , 17 30 THE LAST LANDSCAPE / DERNIER PAYSAGE A documentary

Režija i scenario: Jožef Nađ Muzika: Vladimir Tarasov Zemlja proizvodnje: Francuska Producent: ARTE F Тгајапје: 51' Kolor, 2006. Poslednji pejzaž je neuobičajeni autoportret umetnika. Koreograf, plesač i pantomimičar, Jožef Nad, nam 51 minut, koliko film traje, prica о sebi, svojoj umetnosti, о jednom od svojih najužih saradnika, Vladimiru Tarasovu, objašnjava kako nastaju njegova delà, njegove predstave, odakle crpi ideje. Pokazuje predeo u kome je odrastao, koji ga je formirao, predeo koji ga okrgžuje, ali koji, pre svega, nosi u sebi. Dok gledamo kako Nad pokretom i crtežom slika rodni pejzaž, u dilemi smo da li je pejzaž stvorio Nađa ili Nad pejzaž.

Written and directed: Josef Nadj Music: Vladimir Tarasov Country: France Production; ARTE F Duration: 51' Colour, 2006 The Last Landscape is an unusual portrait of an artist. In the course of 51min, a choreographer, dancer and a pantomimic actor Josef Nadj is telling us about himself, his art, about one of his closest associates, Vladimir Tarasov, explaining how his works come into being and where his ideas come from. Fie is showing us the landscape of his childhood, the landscape which played a role in his formation and which he carries deep down in his heart. While we are watching him depict the landscape of his hometown, we are wondering if the landscape created him or it was the other way around.