
Novo ime 45. Bitefa je mlada pariska rediteljka Žizel Vijen, koja je u svojoj sredini već stekla reputaciju umetnice koja uspeva da nađe svoj llčni izraz. U predstavi sa engleskim nazivom / apologize (Izvinjavam se) ona i njen ansambl bavi se omiljenom temom maštarija, i to kako erotskih tako umetničkih, u odnosu na stvarnost koja je okružuje, pokušavajući da pozorišnim sredstvima formulise tu svoju potragu.

A new name Bitef is presenting is a young Parisian directress Gisèle Vienne, who has already established herself as an artist of a unique expression. In the performance bearing an English title I apologize, she and her ensemble delve into the realm of erotic and artistic imagination, trying to use theatre means to formulate the exploration.

Gisèle Viene Pariz - Grenobl, Francuska / Paris - Grenoble, France Gisèle Vienne, Dennis Cooper, Peter Rehberg I APOLOGIZE Gisèle Vienne Dennis Cooper Originalna muzika / Original live music by: Peter Rehberg itim y Patrick Riou Rebecca Flores ted by: Raphaël Rubbers, Dorothéa Vienne-Pollak, Gisèle Vienne Izvodac urn rs Jonathan Capdevielle, Anja Röttgerkamp & Jean-Luc Verna Producent i organizator / Producer and Manager: Bureau Cassiopée Tehnički direktor / Technical Director: Laurent Matignon ografija / Photo Gisèle Vienne, Mathilde Darel, Phillipe Munda Gisèle Vienne / DACM Koprodukcija / Co-produc Les Subsistances 2004 / Lyon, WP - Zimmer / Antwerp. Uz pomoć i podrsku / With the help and support of the Centre Chorégraphique National de Grenoble as part as the Accueil Studio 2004, of the Ministère de la Culture / Drac RhôneAlpes, the Conseil Régional Rhône-Alpes, the Conseil Général de l'lsère, and of the ske /Austria.
