

September 21 s , 17 30 THE EXPERIENCE OF THINGS, HEINER GOEBBELS A documentary

Reditelj: Mark Peru Zemlja proizvodnje: Francuska Trajanje: 52' Kolor, 2009, Reditelj i kompozitor HajnerGebels pomoću novih tehnologija otkriva prostor i vreme, stvari, slike, glasove, materijale, elemente, mehaničke i elektronske mašine, izmišljene instrumente i pušta ih da pričaju о sebi. U filmu je prikazano rađanjejedne od njegovih predstava, Štifterove stvari, u kojoj autor stvara i predlaže prostor i vreme u kome publika može da zamisli sopstvenu priču i da istražuje, a da joj pri tome ne smeta ničije fizičko prisustvo, јег čovek u toj, njegovoj priči пе igra nikakvu ulogu. Јег to je svet u коте su vizuelni i tonski uređaji osvojili teatar, a i nas. Mark Peru (pseudonim T-zed) je video inženjer koji snima filmove sa umetničkim i kulturnim sadržajem - savremeni ples, elektro-akustična muzika, multimedijalni eksperimenti itd. Putovao je po Evropi, Japanu, Kanadi, Mongoliji, Kini, Rusiji i snimao filmove о konfliktima sa tradidjom, identitetom i prirodom. Pozivan je na mnoge festivale. U Beogradu je bio s produkdjom H. Gebelsa Eraritjaritjaka.

Directed by: Marc Peroud Country: France Runtime: 52 Colour, 2009 Heiner Goebbels, director and a composer, uses new technologies for discovering space and time, things, images, voices, materials, elements, mechanical and electronic machines, imagined instruments, and lets them, then, tell their own story The film presents the making of one of his performances, Stifter's Things, in which he creates and suggests a space within which audience can imagine their own story and explore without being bothered by anyone's physical presence for, in his story, man plays no part whatsoever. That is a world full of visual and audio devices which have conquered theatre and charmed us. Marc Peroud (Pseudonym t-zed) is a video engineer who makes films with artistic and music content - contemporary dance, electro-acoustic music, multi-media experiments, etc. He has travelled around Europe, Japan, Canada, Mongolia, China, Russia, making films on conflicts with tradition, identity and nature. He has been invited to numerous festivals. He has visited Belgrade with Goebbels' production Eraritjaritjaka