
osnaživanje putem pozorišta, bogatstvo različitosti i stvaranje zajednice učenja. Sve predstave su tematski podsticaji za interakciju učesnika i publike u vidu razgovora, demonstracija rada, konferencije, okruglih stolova, prezentacija, različitih radionica, razmene iskustva... Bitef Polifonija je prvi put održana u vreme 34. Bitefa, 2000. godine, uz podršku Evropske fondacije za kulturu i mreže Fondacija za otvoreno društvo iz sedam zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope. Tema Bitefa bila je Pozorlšte izlo, a Bitef Polifonija se bavila problemom nasilja prezentacijom i evaluacijom projekte Umetnost za društvene promene - Igrom protiv nasilja. Projekat je bio namenjen umetnicima i njihovoj ulozi u radu sa mladima u uslovima krize, rata, sukoba... Već prve godine, ovaj prateéi program bio je simboliéki povezan sa muziékom formom koja je postala njen koncepcijski znak, te se i njen program, kao velika kompleksna kompozicijska igra, uvek sastavlja po torn principu - kroz impulse koje pružaju višeglasje, mnogozvučnost i kontrapunkt. Od održavanja prve Polifonije u okviru Bitefa, ovaj prateéi program se razvija u kontinuitetu kao poseban izraz Bitefovih novih pozorisnih tendencija. OTVARANJE Multimedijalna prezentacija programa 12, Bitef Polifonije ...pod usijanim limenim krovom ►H 14. septembar, 12:00 Ustanova kulture „Parobrod" Trajanje: 90'

and culture, empowering through theatre, abundance of diversities and creation of the community of learners. All the performances are topics stimuli for the interaction between the participants, and with audiences, in the form of discussion, work presentations, round tables, various workshops, exchange of experiences... The first Bitef Polyphony took place at 34 th Bitef, in 2000, with the support of European Cultural Foundation and Open Society Funds network from seven SEE countries. The topic of Bitef was Theatre and Evil, and Bitef Polyphony tackled the problem of violence, through the presentation and evaluation of the project Art for Social Change - Play Against Violence. The. project was intended for artists and their role in working with young people under the crises, conflicts or war. During the first year, this side programme was symbolically linked to a music form which became its conceptual signature. Thus the programme, just like a grand complex compositional play, is always put together following the same principle; using impulses bestowed by polyphony, multitude of voices, multitude of sounds, counterpoint... The first Polyphony within Bitef introduced a significant chapter in designing the side programme that has continuingly developed, and today, stands out as a concept that established the unique expression of Bitef's new theatrical trends. OPENNING Multimedial presentation of the 12 th Bitef Polyphony programme ...under the hot tin roof ►H September 14 th , 12:00 Cultural Institution "Parobrod" Duration: 90'