
• Pozoriste „Bosko Buha", Beograd, Srbija Milan Markovic PAZi VAMO Predstava s razgovorom posle izvodenja Režija: Bojana Lazić ►И 14. septembar, 16:00 Pozoriste „Bosko Buha" Trajanje: 70'

• "Bosko Buha" Theatre. Belgrade, Serbia Milan Markovic LOOK HERE! Performance followed by the discussion Director: Bojana Lazic ►W September 14 th , 16:00 "Bosko Buha” Theatre Duration: 70'

Pozoriste „Bosko Buha" na svojoj Večernjoj sceni neguje angažovane predstave koje se bave društvenim problemima sa kojima se mladi svakodnevno susreću. Predstava Pazi vamo tretira problem diskriminacije Roma u društvu i našim otežanim prihvatanjem svega što je različito od onoga na šta smo navikli. Problem se tretira kroz pravu savremenu tragediju. Ivana i Marko odrastaju bez oca. Ivana je autsajder u društvu jer nema dovoljno novca za sve neophodne modne detalje koje njene vršnjakinje kupuju u tržnim centrima. Marko je pripadnik navijačke grupe i, kao takav, veoma nasilan prema Romima i svim neistomišljenicima. Njihovi životi se menjaju jednog dana kada ih, pošto se vrate iz škole, majka upozna sa ocem, koji je Rom. To će na različite načine uticati na statuse dvoje dece u društvu - Магко biva izbačen iz svoje grupe, a Ivana, pošto je otac doneo novae, sada postaje ponosna vlasnica najnovijih modela mobilnih telefona, naocara za sunce i ostalih detalja koji znače ulaznicu u društvo. Još jedna specifičnost rada na ovoj predstavi je to što su učesnici prošli kroz radionice koje je sproveo Centar za interaktivnu umetnost - In Stage Organizacija, čije je idejno polazište da je pozorište moćan instrument za društvene promene, Takođe, ovo je jedna od predstava Pozorišta „Bosko Buha" posle cijih se izvodenja organizuju razgovori sa publikom u kojima učestvuju i autori I glumci, kao i psiholog.

The Evening stage of "Bosko Buha" Theatre is reserved for engaged performances dealing with social issues that young people face every day. The performance "Look here!” deals with the issue of discrimination of Roma in society and our reluctant acceptance of whatever is different from what we are used to. The issue is treated through true modern tragedy: Ivana and Marko grow up without a father. Ivana is a loser in her peer group, because she doesn't have enough money for all the accessories her peers buy in the malls. Marko is a member of a football hooligans group, and as such, he is very violent to Roma people, and everyone who thinks differently. Their lives are changed in a day - on their return from school, mother introduces them to their father - and he is Roma, That will influence the position of both children in their respective groups - Marko will be excluded from his, and Ivana, since father brings money, now becomes a proud owner of the latest models of cell phones, sun glasses and other details that open the door to the society. Another trait of processing this performance is that the team members participated in workshops carried out by the Centre for Interactive Art - In Stage Organization, who works from the premises that theatre is a powerful tool for social change. Also, this is one of the performances of “Bosko Buha” Theatre, after which discussions with audiences are organised, with participation of actors, authors, and a psychologist.