
• Radiohice-prezentacije obrazovnog pozorista i drame KREATIVNI IZBORI ZA ZAJEDNICE UČENJA ►M 18. September, 12:00 Ustanova kulture „Parobrod" Trajanje: 180’ Moderator: Grupa mladih iz organizacije Generator, Vranje Otvorene izborne radionice za, sa i od mladih učesnika projekta Obrazovno pozorište i drama kao podsticajno sredstvo inkluzlje Roma sa partnerskom organizacijom Generator iz Vranja, Centrom za interaktivnu pedagogiju CIP iz Beograda, drugim organizacijama, pozorisnim umetnicima, zainteresovanim mladim ljudima iz drugih projekata i pozorisnih i dramskih grupa izzemlje i regiona.

• Workshops - presentations of educational theatre and drama CREATIVE CHOICES FOR COMMUNITIES OF LEARNING ►H Sunday, September 18 th , 12:00 Cultural Institution “Parobrod" Duration: 180' Moderators: Youth group from Generator, Vranje Open elective workshops with, for and by young participants of the project Educational theatre and drama as a tool to facilitate Roma inclusion with partner organisation Generator from Vranje, Center for interactive Pedagogy CIP from Belgrade, other organisations, theatre artists, young people from other projects interested in workshops, and theatre and drama groups from the country and region.

Voditelji radionica: izabrani dramski pedagozi, pozorišni umetnici, saradnicl i mladi uključeni u projekte Hrvatskog centra za dramski odgoj, Zagreb, Hrvatska, Centra za dramski odgoj, Mostar, Bosna i Herzegovina, i Centra za dramu u edukaciji i umetnosti CEDEUM, Beograd.

Workshop facilitators: elected drama pedagogues, theatre artists and young people involved in the project of Croatian Centre for Drama Education, Zagreb, Croatia, Centre for Drama education, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Centre for Drama in Education and Arts CEDEUM, Belgrade.