
• Grupa mladih iz Novog Sada, Srbija ŠKOLA ZA SVE Predstava forum teatra Koncept: Vera Erac, Mirela Pavlović, Miroslav Nikolić Nosilac projekta: CARE Srbija ►H 18. septembar, 17:00 Pozorište „Boško Buha" Trajanje: 90'

• Youth group from Novi Sad, Serbia SCHOOL FOR ALL Forum theatre performance Concept: Vera Егас, Mirela Pavlović, Miroslav Nikolić Project bearer; CARE Serbia ►И September 18 m ,17:00 "Boško Buha" Theatre Duration: 90’

Predstava Skala za sve nastala je iz ličnih priča učesnika i učesnica u projektu, uglavnom srednjoškolaca, ali i nekih studenata, koji žive и Novom Sadu. Kratke price и predstavi se odnose na situaeije diskriminaeije i tlačenja s kojima se susrecu romska deca, posebno romske devojcice unutar same romske zajednice, svojih porodica, među vrsnjacima i unutar obrazovnih instituera, kao i na posledice koje dotiču njihove živote. Predstava je igrana vise od 15 puta za razlicite ciljne grupe (romske roditelje, nastavnike, stručne službe и obrazovanju, školsku decu, predstavnike nevladinih organizaeija). Predstava je nastala u okviru projekta „Šanse i izbori za romske devojcice" finansiranog od strane Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative - CARE USA. Ovaj projekat su implementirali CARE Srbija s partnerskom organizaeijom Novosadski humanitarni Center (NSFIC). Metodologija Forum teatra se pokazala kao izuzetno dobar alat u osnaživanju polaznika i polaznica radionica u smeru nastavka školovanja i povećanja sopstvenih kapaciteta za rešavanje problema s kojima se susrecu.

The performance School for all resulted from personal stories of the project participants. They are mainly high school or university students who live in Novi Sad. The short stories in the performance are about situations of discrimination and oppression faced by Roma children, especially girls, in their own communities, families, among their peers and inside educational institutions, but are also about the consequences which affect their lives. The show was performed more then ten times for different audiences (Roma parents, teachers, professional services in education, school children, representatives of NGOs). The performance resulted from the project Chances and Choices for Romo Girls financed by the Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative - CARE USA, and implemented by CARE Serbia in collaboration with the Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (NSHQThe Forum Theatre methodology showed itself as a very good tool in empowering the participants of the workshops for continuing their education and growth of personal capacities to cope with problems they may face.