
snažnom preokretu u samom Smederevu, i osim podrške osobama uključenim u projekat, da dobije šansu da se promoviše njegova ideja u evropskom kulturnom kontekstu. Autor projekta: Franko Ungaro Koncept i režija predstave: Salvatore Tramacere Pomoćnik reditelja: Fabrido Sakomano Asistent na sceni; Maria Rosaria Ponceta Scenski pokret: Silvija Traversi Muzika: Admit Škurtaj Igraju: Darko Petrovic, Danijel Todorović, Miljan Guberinic, Ana Pašti, Ajnur Ibraimi, Damir Kriziv, Marija Rosaria Ponceta, Sead Kurtiši, Vukosava Lazić, Marija Miladinovic, Marija Mladenovic, Igor Petrovic, Ajnur Redžepi, Erman Šabani, Senad Sulejmani, Магко Stojanović, Anđelka Vulić. Predstava Brat je dobila prestižnu međunarodnu nagradu „Tereza Pomodoro" za pozorište inkluzije. Projekat se realizuje uz podršku i pokroviteljstvo Ministarstva kulture Srbije, Grada Smedereva, Teatra Publiko Puljeze i Regiona Pulja iz Italije.

performance. Serbian and Roma participants worked again with the goal to promote a performance as one of the aspects of potentials for collaboration of people from different ethnicities, and to demonstrate how cultural exchange and interaction can lead to creating a work of art, to contribute to intense change In Smederevo, and apart from support to people involved in the project, to provide opportunities for promoting this idea in European cultural context. Project author: Franco Ungaro Concept and directed by: Salvatore Tramacere Assistant director: Fabrizio Saccomanno Stage assistent; Maria Rosaria Ponzetta Stage movement: Silvia Traversi Music: Admit Shkurtaj Performed by: Darko Petrović, Danijel Todorović, Miljan Guberinić, Ana Pasti, Ajnur Ibraimi, Damir Kriziv, Maria Rosaria Ponzeta, Sead Kurtiši, Vukosava Lazić, Marija Miladinovic, Marija Mladenovic, Igor Petrovic, Ajnur Redžepi, Emran Šabani, Senad Sulejmanl, Магко Stojanović, Anđelka Vulić. The performance Brother was awarded a prestigious international prize “Tereza Pomodoro’ for theatre of inclusion 2::;. The project is implemented with the support and patronage by the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia and the City of Smederevo, Theatre Publico Pugliese, Bari, and Puglia Regio, Italy.