
• Grupa „Hajde da...", Beograd, Srbija DAN POSLË/ ZAJEDNO Radionica fizićkog teatra Voditelj radionica: Boris Čakširan ►VI 22. September, 12:00 Kulturni center REX Trajanje: 240' Grupa „Hajde da..." i Centarza ratnu traumu, u saradnji sa Kulturnim centrom REX, u okviru Bitef Polifonije započinje radionice fizičkog teatra namenjene mladima (umetnicima i aktivistima) i veteranima ratova 1991-1999. Ratni veterani imaju jedinstven odnos prema ratu. Rat kao ekstremna situacija ne ostavljapojedincu mnogo prostora za preispitivanje odluka, sa kojima treba živeti i u nakon rata. Sa druge strane, mladi su više zagledani u budućnost. Želimo da kroz niz aktivnosti podstaknemo dijalog između mladih, ratnih veterana i Sire zajednice о pitanjima bez/smisla ratovanja, о destrukciji, о tome gde naći snagu da se prežive krizne situacije i nadu da su promene moguće. Sa tim ciljem započinjemo radionice fizičkog teatra u septembru 2011. Saznanja i ideje do kojih de se time doći biće prezentovani nakon Bitefa kroz predstavu Tanatos (koprodukcija Grupe „Hajde da..." i Kulturnog centra REX), u kojoj nastupaju ratni veterani i pozorisni umetnici.

• Group "Let's ”, Belgrade, Serbia A DAY AFTER / TOGETHER Physical theatre workshop Workshop facilitator: Boris Cakširan ►И September 22 nd , 12:00 Cultural Centre REX Duration: 240' Group „Let's,..“ and War Trauma Centre, in collaboration with Cultural Centre REX, stared during The Bitef Polyphony, a physical theatre workshop, intended for youth (artists and activists) and veterans who returned from the wars waged in the period from 1991 to 1999. War veterans have a unique attitude towards war. War, as an extreme situation, does not allow one to make thoroughly considered decisions though their consequences are far-reaching and are to be faced in postwar years as well. On the other hand, young people are more oriented to the future and hope for a better tomorrow. Through a range of activities, we wish to stimulate dialogue between young people, war veterans and broader society about non/ sense of war, about destruction, where to find the strength to survive difficult situations and hope that changes are possible. With that aim in mind, we are starting these workshops in September 2011. Presentation of achieved results in a form of