
Radionice vodi Boris Čakširan, međunarodni umetnik na polju savremenog teatra i filma. Vodio je i programe u saradnji sa različitim institucijama u zemlji i inostranstvu i sa različitim društvenim grupama (deçà sa izbegličkim iskustvom u Srbiji, mladi Etiopljani sa izbegličkim statusom u Izraelu, osobe sa invaliditetom, romska omladina, veterani ratova 1991-1999). Za svoj umetnički rad je dobio vise nagrada. Osnivač je i direkter ERG Status plesnog teatra. Nosilac projekta je Grupa „Hajde da...", osnovana 1999. sa ciljem da se aktivno deluje u zajednici na polju podsticanja interkulturalnosti, inkluzije, proaktivnosti mladih... Organizacija je do sada realizovala veliki broj projekata u Srbiji i saradivala sa domaćim i inostranim organizaeijama i institucijama. Poslednjih godina je posebno angažovana na polju primenjenog teatra i realizovala je Projekte u koje su mogli da se uključe različiti delovi populaeije (osobe sa invaliditetom, veterani ratova 1991-1999, mladi umetnici...), kao i više pozorišnih produkeija. Pokrovitelj: Skupština grada Beograda, Sekretarijatza kulturu

small performance will be implemented after the Bitef festival, as well as performance Tanotos (coproduced by Group "Let's,.." and Cultural Centre REX featuring young artists and war veterans. Workshop leader is Boris Caksiran. Boris is international artist in the field of movie and contemporary theatre. He collaborated with many Serbian and international organizations and institutions and has been working with many social groups that are on the border of the society (refuge children in Serbia, Ethiopian refuge youth living in Israel, persons with disability, war veterans,..). He won numerous awards and prizes. He is artistic director of ERG status dance theatre. Author of the project - Group „Let's...“. Organization is established in 1999 with the aim to be active in community and to increase intercultural learning, social inclusion of marginalized groups, and youth activism and participation. Organization has been implemented many projects in Serbia and collaborated with many local and international organizations and institutions. Last few years, Group „Let's..." has been engaged in the field of applied theatre and implemented projects that included different part of community (persons with disability, war veterans, young artist and activists...), and created few theatre production. Workshops are carried out with the support of the Secretariat for Culture of the City of Belgrade.


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