
• Okrugli sto TAMO GDÊ SENE IDE, ONO 0 ČEMU S£ NE GOVORI ►W 22. septembar, 17:00 Kulturni centar REX Trajanje: 120' Moderatori; Мзгко Pejović i Aleksandra Jelić Cilj okruglog stola je da ukaže na to za koje je sve drustvene teme о kojima se inače ne govori primenjeno pozoriste otvorilo prostorza diskusiju i dijalog tokom 2010. godine, и koje je institucije/kontekste u koje se često ne zalazi, primenjeno pozoriste uspelo da uđe, šta su pozitivna iskustva, a šta dileme. Okrugli sto bi trebalo da pruži i ohrabrenje zainteresovanima da se uključe i realizaciju programe u novim (neosvojenim) kontekstima, kao i da istraži gde još ima „goruce“ potrebe da se govori kroz pozorišnu umetnost. Učesnici: Autori i učesnici projekata Don posle (Grupa „Hajde da...") i Primeni pozoriste, promeni život (ApsArt)

• Round table THERE, WHERE ONE DOESN'T GO, THAT, WHAT ONE DOESN'T SPEAK OF ►И September 22 nd , 17:00 Cultural Centre REX Duration: 120' Moderators: Магко Pejović and Aleksandra Jelić Round table will be organized with the aim to stress the topics that are not so welcomed in society, but the applied theatre "opened” the space for discussion and dialogue during 2010 and succeeded to approach different social institutions that are not so willing to participate in theatre based work. What are positive experiences and some dilemmas? Round table should encourage those who are interested in implementation of activities in new (jet not "conquered") contexts, as well as to examine where the need to speak about "hot" issues using theatre is also strong and necessary. Participants: Authors and participants of projects A day after (Group „Let’s..."), Apply theatre, change life (ApsArt)...