
moderan, mlad glas onima koje nikada ne čujemojerodbijamo da ih slušamo. To je poziv da se uđe u dijalog na veseo i savremen način. Imperativ je čuti te glasove, ponuditi dobrodoslicu ovoj kulturi i dozvoliti joj da postoji. Mi moramo da govorimo о Romima. Mi moramo da damo Romima mogucnost da govore. To je ono о сети je ovaj spektakl. Jedan umetnicki sastanak koji se odvija negde u univerzumu, gde se Istok može sastati sa Zapadom, bez mržnje. Organizacija RPOINT vodi obrazovne i umetničke programe za mlade Rome u Srbiji od 2006. RPOINT je producirao mjuzikl GRUBB i predstavu Roma sijam kako bi dao glas mladim Romima, uz podršku GRUBB kolektiva, koji okuplja umetnike iz Srbije, Kanade, Velike Britanije, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Francuske i Italije, pod vođstvom režisera Serža Denonkora.

performance is to land a modern, young voice to those whom we never hear because we refuse to listen to them. It is an invitation to enter a dialogue in a jolly and modern way. It is an imperative to hear those voices, and greet this culture and permit its existence. We have to talk about Roma. We have to give Roma a chance to speak. That is what this spectacle is about. An artistic meeting taking place somewhere in the Universe, where East can meet West without hatred. R- Point Organisation leads educational and artistic programmes for young Roma in Serbia since 2006. R-Point produced the GRUBB musical and the Romo sijam performance in order to give voice to young Roma, with the support of GRUBB Collective, gathering artists from Serbia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America, France and Italy, under the guidance of the director Serge Denoncourt,


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