
IGRA PITANJA Istraživački projekat

THE QUESTION GAME Research project

Igra pitanja je istraživački projekat usmeren na analizu pitanja koje Bitef Polifonija ove godine nudi i pokrece. Nakon svakog događaja u okviru Bitef Polifonije, sakupljaju se pitanja mladih gledalaca i učesnika, kako onih tematskih, koji se javljaju kao odjek samog zbivanja, tako i novih (ponekad sasvim ličnih) u kojima radoznalost mlađih postaje okidač debata, dok njihova očekivanja diktiraju buduća dogadanja. Pitanja koja se prate i sakupljaju postaju materijal koji neposredno govori о reakdjama na ponuđeni sadržaj, a posredno о potrebama i očekivanjima mlade publike, i to upravo о onim psihološkim potrebama koje nisu uvek vidljive i teško ih je detektovati jer pripadaju dinamičkom delu slike nastalom u socijalnoj interakciji, ovog puta uz stimulaciju „polifonijskih" sadržaja. Nakon festivala sva sakupljena pitanja se obrađuju uz pomoć standardnih tehnika kvalitativne analize, a rezultati će biti korišćenlza koncipiranje bududh „polifonijskih" dogadaja i projekata. Odgovori nisu nužnost. Traže se i prate pitanja. Irena Ristić, autorka i koordinatorka istraživačkog projekta

The question game is a research project aiming at analysing the questions offered and initiated by Bitef Polyphony this year. After each event within Bitef Polyphony, questions of young viewers and participants will be collected, both thematic, reflecting the event itself, and new (sometimes completely personal!), through which the curiosity of the young becomes a trigger for a debate, and their expectations dictate future festival tasks. Questions that are followed and collected will become the materials that directly communicate the reactions to the contents offered, and indirectly report needs and expectations of young audiences, particularly psychological needs that are not always visible, and are difficult to detect since they belong to the dynamic part of the image created in social interaction, in this occasion stimulated through 'polyphonic' contents. After the festival, all the questions collected will be processed through standard techniques of qualitative analysis, and results will be used for creating new 'polyphonic' events and projects. Answers are not the necessity. Questions are what we look for and monitor. Irena Ristić, author and research project coordinator