

Uloga mreža u kulturnim promenama i razvoju / partnerstvo i umrežavanje kao strategija 19. September, 10:00-15:00 Dorn omladine Beograd, sala Amerikana Kancelorija Таска kulturnog kontakta /ССР Srbija, Ministarstva kulture, informisanja i informadono g društva и saradnji sa Bitef teatrom organizuje panel-diskusiju о značaju и mrežavanja и kulturi i grupisanja око zajednlčkog alja. U panel diskusiji učestvju predstavnici regionalnih CCP kancelarija (Cultural Contact Point), kao i predstavnici evropskih formalnih i neformalnih mreža; inSEEcp - Informal Network of SEE Cultural Portals, NEMO, Clubture, lETM, TEH, Culture Action Europe, Europa Nostra, Lab for culture, Nezavisna kulturna asocijacija, Izvršna agencija EACEA, DSEAC/Evropska Komisija. Cilj ove panel-diskusije je da se kroz odabrane teme strategija umrežavanja i saradnje između javnog i civilnog sektora prikaže kao veoma efikasan nadn otklanjanja „jaza" koji još uvek postoji između ta dva sektora, и većini zemalja u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, i rešavanja mnogobrojnih problems i nedostataka koji se odnose na infrastrukturu (npr. nedostatak prostora, opreme, tehničkih sredstava), na Ijudske kapacitete (npr. nedostatak specijalizovanih kadrova i onih sa radnim iskustvom i adekvatnim veštinama (know-how)), na korišćenje zajedničkih resursa, nedostatak partnera i kontakata, komunikadje sa predstavnicima vlasti, kontakata sa međunarodnim finansijerima, neispunjavanje uslova na konkursima i tako dalje.


The role of networks in cultural changes and development/ partnership and networking as a strategy September 19 th , 10:00-15:00 Dorn omladine Belgrade, Amerikana Hall Cultural Point Office / CCP Serbia, Ministry of Culture and Information Society, In cooperation with ВЩ, organize a panel discussion on the topic of importance of networking In culture and gathering around common goals. Participants in the panel - discussion are representatives of regional CCP offices (Cultural Contact Point) as well as representatives of European formal and informal networks such are: inSEEcp - Informal Network of SEE Cultural Portals, NEMO, Clubture, lETM, TEH , Culture Action Europe, Europa Nostra, Lab for culture, independent cultural association, Executive agency EACEA, DGEAC/European commision . The chosen topics for the pane! discussion should help explain that the strategy of networking and cooperation between public and private sector represents a very efficient way not only of bridging the gap between the two, which still exists in most countries in Southeastern Europe, but also of overcoming the numerous problems and shortcomings regarding infrastructure Clack of space, equipment, technical tools), human resources (lack of trained staff for new professions, lack of certain skills, use of common resources...), lack of partners and contacts, lack of communication with the government, lack of contacts with international financiers, the problem of not meeting contests' criteria, etc.