ŽIZEL VIJEN (Gisèle Vienne) je francusko-austrijska koreografkinja, rediteljka i vizuelna umetnica. Studirala je prvo filozofiju, a zatim lutkarstvo na École supérieure nationale des arts de la marionette gde je srela Etjena Bido-Reja, s kojim je razradivala svoje prve predstave. Kao studentikinja upoznala je i glumca Džonatana Kapdevijela, koji se od tada pojavljuje u svim njenim predstavama. Od 2004. koreografisala je i rezirala и saradnji sa piscem Denisom Kuperom I Apologize (2004) i Une belle enfant blonde/A young, beautiful blond girl (2006), Kindertotenlieder (2007), Jerk (2008), This how you will disappear (2010) i Last spring: A Prequel (2011). Koreografisala je i Eternell idole i Showroomdummies (sa Etjenom Bido-Rejom) 2009.
GISELE VIENNE is a French-Austrian choreographer, director and visual artist. She first studied philosophy and then puppetry at École Supérieure nationale des arts de la marionette where she met Etienne Bideau-Rey with whom she developed the concepts for her first shows. As a student she also met the actor Jonathan Capdevielle who, since then, has appeared in each of her shows. Since 2004, she has choreographed and directed, in collaboration with the writer Dennis Cooper, I Apologize (2004) and Une belle enfant blonde / A young, beautiful blond girl (2006), Kindertotenlieder (2007), Jerk (2008), This how you will disappear (2010) and Last spring : A Prequel (2011). In 2009 she also choreographed Eternelle idole and Showroomdummies (with Etienne Bideau-Rey).
DENIS KUPER (Dennis Cooper) je romanopisac, pesnik i kritičar. Živi u Parizu i Los Anđelesu. Objavioje osam romana. Najnoviji su The Sluts i God Jr, oba objavljena 2005. Spoljni je urednik Art Forum Magazine i urednik američke izdavačke kuće Little House on the Bowery. Poslednja knjiga mu je kratka zbirka pesama Ugly Man. Napisao je sve tekstove za / Apologize (2004), Kindertotenlieder (2007), Jerk (2008), This is how you will disappear (2010), Last spring: A Prequel (2011) i Une enfant blonde/A Young Beautiful Blonde Girl (2006) и saradnji sa Katrin Rob-Grije.
DENNIS COOPER is a novelist, poet and critic. He lives in Paris and Los Angeles. He has published eight novels, most recently The Sluts and Cod Jr., both in 2005. He is a contributing Editor of Art Forum Magazine and the editor of the American publishing imprint Little House on the Bowery. His most recent book is a short fiction collection Ugly Man. He has written all the texts in I Apologize (2004), Kindertotenlieder (2007), Jerk (2008), This is how you will disappear (2010), Last spring : A Prequel (2011) and Une enfant blonde/A Young Beautiful blonde girl (2006), in collaboration with Catherine Robbe-Grillet.