Zagrebačko kazalište mladih Zagreb, Hrvatska
Tekst i režija:
Nataša Rajkovlć i Bobo Jelčić
16. septembar, 16:00 i 18:00 Nekadašnja zgrada Kluza (Masarikova 4) Trajanje: 50'
П Zagreb Youth Theatre Zagreb, Croatia
Text and direction;
September 16 th , 16:00 and 18:00 A Former "Kluz" Building (4 Masarikova Street) Duration: 50'
Proslavljeni autorski dvojac, Nataša Rajković i Bobo Jelčić, godinama menja sliku hrvatskog pozorista svojim projektima, u kojima istražuju odnos između stvarnosti i teatra svedočeći о krhkosti njihovih granica. Mnogo puta nagradivane predstave Nataše Rajković i Bobe Jelčića izvođene su na mnogobrojnim europskim kazališnim festivalima, и gotovo svim europskim teatarskim metropolama i и posljednjoj deceniji postale su zaštitnim znakom hrvatskog pozorista na europskim pozorišnim kartama.
I dok sediš u izlogu napuštenog dućana i prizori se nižu po logici uličnog događanja, a ti sam sebi stvaraš objašnjenja, zapravo stvaraš sopstvenu priču ili ti se ona sama nameće pa si je prisiljen stvarati. Ulica ne gubi uobičajenu aktivnost, i ta se aktivnost, koju nazivamo zaposlenost ili prometnost, nesmetano odvija kao i onda kad mi nismo prisutni: No, kako si postavljen и poziciju, usmeren da je promatraš, doživljavaš je drugačijom nego inače ili je vidiš onakvom kakvom je do sad nisi primećivao, Ono što je po sebi nepatvoreni simbol stvarnosti, dakle ulica premestanjem Perspektive ili sugerisanim fokusom na nju, poprima upravo torn inverzijom značajke teatarskog događaja, gdje se zbog našeg položaja promatrača, i sugestije da ono što promatramo nosi neko za nas bitno značenje, sve ono što po sebi nije teatar pretvara u teatarski dogadaj poput svakog drugog teatarskog događaja koji sadrži i glumce i događajnost i suigru i, naravno, klasičnu podjelu na scenu i gledalište. Čini se kao da ono što inače u svojoj širini ne sublimira u zatvorenu cjelinu, vapi za tim da bude primijeceno i da samo sobom progovori te da se barem u našem dojmu zatvori u mogući kontinuirani slijed. Ta mogućnost da skrene pozornost na sebe je činjenica koju teatar sve manje može zanemariti. Ili, toïnije, nešto što ga tjera da se zamisli nad sobom.
The renowned artistic duo Nataša Rajković and Bobo Jelčić have been for years changing the image of the Croatian theatre with their projects exploring the relationship between theatre and reality and demonstrating the fragility of their boundaries. Their much awarded productions were shown in many European theatre festivals, almost all theatre metropolises in Europe and during the last decade have become the trademark of the Croatian theatre on European theatre maps.
Even as you sit in the window of an abandoned shop and the scenes follow the logic of street events and you create explanations for yourself, you are creating your own story or it impresses itself on you and you have to create it. The street does not lose its usual activity and this activity which we call busying about or traffic unfolds unimpeded even when we are not present: But - as you take up a position, focusing on watching it, you see it differently than at other times or you see it in a way that you have never noticed before. Due to the shift of the perspective or the suggested focus on it, that which is by definition an authentic symbol of the reality, i.e, the street acquires, through this inversion, the attributes of a theatre event where, because of our position as observers and the suggestion that what we are watching carries a meaning vital for us, turns everything that is not theatre per se into a theatre event like any other theatre event with actors and action and joint play and, of course, the classical division into the stage and the house. It seems that something that is otherwise not sublimated in a closed whole in all its breadth, begs to be noticed and speak out and thus close up in a possible continual sequence, at least in our impression of it. This possibility to draw attention to itself is a fact which theatre may not go on ignoring. Or, to be more precise, something that pushes one to give oneself a thought.