
SNJEŽANA ABRAMOVIĆ MILKOVIĆ je hrvatska koreoqrafkinja i rediteljka. Godine 1980. diplomirala je na Školi za balet i ritmiku и Zagrebu - Odsek ritmike i plesa, a naknadno i na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu, takođe u Zagrebu. Dugogodišnja je plesačica i od 1992. godine umetnička voditeljika Zagrebačkog plesnog ansambla (ZPA). Kontinuirano sarađuje s eminentnim pozorišnim i filmskim rediteljima u Hrvatskoj i inostranstvu a radi i kao saradnica za scenski pokret u dramskim predstavama i na filmu, Koreografisala je opéré u HNK Zagreb (Krabuljni pies, Mirjana); HNK Split (Manon Lescaut, Faust, Splitski akvarel, Macbeth, Maršal); HNK Rijeka (La Gioconda, Judita, Seviljski brijač, Casanova и Istri) i HNK Osijek (Figarov pir). Istovremeno repertoarski profiliše ZPA, i pokreće medunarodne koprodukcije. Kao umetnička voditeljka radi na internacionalizaciji plesne scene u Hrvatskoj. Pod njenim umetničkim vodstvom ansambl je gostovao Španiji, Italiji, Portugalu, Madarskoj, BiH, Rusiji, Litvaniji, Egiptu, Sloveniji, Meksiku, Francuskoj, Belgiji, Izraelu, Nemačkoj i Koreji. Godine 2000. na sopstvenu inicijativu osniva Festival plesa i neverbalnog kazališta Svetvinčenat, koji ima intenciju prerastanja u Mediteranski plesni centar; 2003. koreografisala je celovečernju predstavu Nešto, možda, sasvim osobno premijerno izvedenu и Teatru ITD. Naredne, 2004. godine dobila je i stipendiju za program Courants du Monde Svetskog doma kulture u Parizu, u sklopu кода je proucavala modele organizacije i produkcije plesnih centara u Francuskoj. Od 2006. predsednica je Udruge plesnih umjetnika Hrvatske, a od 2007. postaje urednica plesnog programa Šibenskog dječjeg festivala. Iste godine, koreografisala je predstavu Ogoljeno / Stripped realizovanu u koprodukciji sa Zagrebačkim kazalištem mladih. Ovaj projekat proglasen je najboljom plesnom predstavom u celini te mu jè 2008. dodeljena Nagrada hrvatskog glumišta.

SNJEŽANA ABRAMOVIĆ MILKOVIĆ is Croatian choreographer and director, in 1980, she graduated from School for Ballet and Rhythmic in Zagreb - department for rhythmic and dance, and later also from Faculty of Mathematics, also in Zagreb. She has been a dancer for years and since 1992 she is also the art manager of Zagreb Dance Ensemble. She maintains a constant collaboration with famous theatre and film directors in Croatia and abroad and also works as an advisor for stage movement in theatre plays and in film. She has choreographed performances in Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb ( A Masked Ball. Mirjana ): in Croatian National Theatre in Split (Manon Lescaut, Faustus, Split Aquarelle, Macbeth, Marshall): Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka (La Giaconda, Judith, The Barber of Seville, Casanova in Istria ), and in Croatian National Theatre in Osijek (The Marriage of Figaro). At the same time, she created repertoire of Zagreb Dance Ensemble and initiated international productions. As a theatre manager, she has promoted Croatian dance scene in the world. Since she has been the manager, the ensemble has performed in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Latvia, Egypt, Slovenia, Mexico, France, Belgium, Israel, Germany and Korea. In 2000, she initiated the foundation of Dance and Non-Verbal Theatre Festival San Vincenti with an intention to turn it into Mediterranean Centre for Dance. In 2003, she choreographed a performance Something, Maybe, Personal, premiered at ITD Theatre. In 2004, she received a scholarship for Courants du Monde programme, which is given by The World Cultures Institute from Paris, where she conducts a research on production modes and organization of dance centres in France. Since 2006, she has been the president of Association of Dance Artists of Croatia, and since 2007 she is the producer of dance section of the programme at International Children's Festival in Sibenik. In 2007, she choreographed the performance Stripped in coproduction with Zagreb Youth Theatre. Pronounced the best dance performance, the project received the Croatian Theatre Prize in 2008.