U refleksijama ta dva teksta jednako je bitno i što i kako govorim. Jer upravo kako - to je ono što i želim red. A ono što želim red - to sam ja. Ja. I moj strah. Moja panika. Iz nje nastaje i pozorište kakvo me zanima i iz djeg iskustva mislim; puno mašina, buke i pirotehnike, pozorište koje podmeće samo sebi jer pokazuje svoju krhkost i svoju nelagodu i svoju izloženost. Sva se ova pornografija i teksta i izvedbe, može svesti na suštinsku potrebu: izraziti sebe vlastitim jezikom. Rose is a rose is a rose je ponavljanje. U vrtlogu. Dinamika sećanja trebalo bi da postane dinamikom teksta. Trebalo bi biti brzo. Po svaku cenu. Stihovi odvojeni zvezdicama služe kako bi se bolje razabrale misaone celine, ali ne radi predaha. Kad govorim о brzini, ne govorim о nametnutom automatizmu, već 0 panici koja se stvara između izraza i sadržaja, između smisla 1 tempa. Tekst ima samo jedan prekid. Rez po sredini. Minutu tiline. Ostalo je glazba.
In the mutual reflections of these two texts what I say and how I say it is of equal importance. For how is what I want to say. And what I want to say is - myself. My very self. And my fear. My panic. That is where the theatre I am interested in, and within the experience of which i think, comes from: full of machines, racket, and pyrotechnics, it is the theatre that exposes itself in presenting its frailty and its embarassment and its disclosure. Al this pornography of the text and of the performance could be reduced to a fundamental need: to express oneslef in one's own language. Rose is a rose is a rose is a repetition. In a vortex. The dynamics of memory should become the dynamics of the text, it should be fast. At any cost. The lines are separated by asterisks so as to better differentiate the units of thought, but do not indicate pauses. When I say fast, I am not referring to any imposed automatism, but to a panic that is created between the expression and the content, between sense and tempo. The text has a single break. A cut in the middle, A minute of silence. The rest is music.