Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose je Gertruda Stajn, naravno. Ne radi se о omažu spisateljici, već jednostavno о prikladnosti samog naslova i, možda, о činjenici da mi se u poslednje vreme po glavi vrtela slavna anegdota s jednog njenog predavanja kada je na pitanje: Why don’t you write the way you speak?, odgovorila protivpitanjem: Why don't you read the way t write? Htela sam samo reci da postoje bezobrazni razlozi za poeziju. U sebi sam tražila jezik koji paniku izražava drugim sredstvima. Izokretanjima. Übrzanjem. Pljuvačkom. Ivana Sajko
Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is Gertrude Stein, of course. It is not a matter of an hommage to the writer, but simply of the title being apt, and, perhaps, of the fact that of late I have frequently recalled the famous anecdote from one of her lectures, when she answered the question Why don't you write the way you speak? with the question Why don't you read the way I write? I just wanted to say that there are uncouth reasons for poetry. I searched within myself for a language that would express panic by other means. Such as twisting. Acceleration. Spittle. Ivana Sajko