IVANA SAJKO je spisateljica i redateljka. Diplomirala je dramaturgiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti i magistrirala na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Članica je uredništva časopisa za izvedbene umjetnosti Frakcija i književnog časopisa Tema. Bila je urednica i voditeljka tv-emisije о savremenom pozorištu V-efekt i višegodišnja predavačica na Odseku dramaturgije na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti и Zagrebu. Suosnivačica je pozorišne trupe BAD со., gdje je do 2005. delovala kao dramaturskinja i rediteljka, da bi kasnije nastavila da režira i izvodi svoje tekstove u hibridnoj izvedbenoj formi autoreferencijalnog čitanja eksperimentišući s problemima odnosa dramskog teksta i izvedbe i bazirajuci svoje predstave na saradnji s muzicarima. Dobitnica je vise nagrada za književnost i pozoriste, knjige su joj prevedene na svetske jezike, a dramski tekstovi postavljeni na pozornicama i na radiju širom svijeta. Do sada je objavila zbirku drama Smaknuta lica, dramsku trilogiju Žena-bomba, roman Rio bar nagraden priznanjem Ivan Coran Kovačić za najbolje prozno delo, teorijsku knjigu Prema ludilu 0' revoludji) i roman Povijest то/e obitelji od 1941. do 1991, i nakon. U saradnji s kompozitorom Dejvidom Sîmonsom izdala je CD Mass forelection day silence (2004). Predstavu Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose režirala je 2010. u Zagrebačkom kazalištu mladih, kada je i prvi puta surađivala s Alenom Sinkauzom i Nenadom Sinkauzom, koji se u predstavi pojavljuju i kao izvođači i kao kompozitori, a s njima je inscenirala i dramu Prizori s jabukom premijerno izvedenu na Dubrovačkim Ijetnim igrama 2011. Ja i ti. On i ona. Ponekad mi. Ponekad oni. Ali uvijek isti. Na pozornici. Na plesnom podiju. Na ulici. Na desetom katu stambenog nebodera. Upravo sad. I рипо kasnije. I poslije. U sjećanju. Vrtimo se oko spaljenog mjesta katastrofe. Oko teksta. Mene. Rečenice su oštrih rubova. Tako se i govore. VODILI SU LJUBAV КАО DA SE TUKU. Тако trebam započeti. Kao da se događa nekom drugom. Izgovorit ću to s osmijehom. Smireno. Suzdržano. Strpljivo. Veliko slovo. Interpunkcija. Veliko slovo. Interpunkcija. Veliko slovo. Interpunkcija. PA KRAJ.
IVANA SAJKO is a playwright and director. She graduated dramaturgy from the Academy of Drama Arts and took a master's degree from the Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb. She is member of editorial board of magazine for performing arts Frakcija and literature magazine Tema, She was editor and host of a TV show about contemporary theatre V-effect and lecturer at the dramaturgy department of Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb. She is cofounder of theatre group Bad со. where she was working as a dramaturge and director, until 2005. Later, she continued to direct and perform her play in a hybrid performative form of autoreferential reading, in which she explores the problems of drama writing and performing. Fier performances are based on a collaboration with musicians. She was awarded for literature and theatre, her books are translated into a foreign languages and her plays are staged and produced in many theatres around the world. Her books includes plays collection Executed Faces (2001), trilogy of monologues Woman-Bomb (2004), novel Rio Bar awarded with Ivan Goran Kovacic tribute for the best prose work, theory book Towards the Madness (and Revolution) (2006) and novel History of my family since 1941 until 1941, and after (2009). Together with the composer David Simons she published a CD Mass for election day silence (2004). Her performance Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose was produced in 2010 as her first collaboration with Alen Sinakuz and Nenad Sinakuz who appears in this performance as composers and performers. Their latest production Scenes with an apple had it's premiere on Dubrovnik summer festival, 2011. You and I. Fie and she. Sometimes we. Sometimes they. But always the ss~e On stage. On a dance-floor. On the street. On the tenth floor of a skyscraper. Right now. Also much later. And earlier. In memory. Circling the razed site of a catastrophe. The text. Myself. The sentences are sharp-edged. And to be spoken thus. THEIR LOVEMAKING WAS LIKE A CLASH, That's how I should begin. As if it is happening to someone else. I'll say it with a smile With calm. With reticence. With patience. Upper case. Punctuation mark. Upper case. Punctuation mark. Upper case. Punctuation mark. THEN END.