Atelje 212 Beograd, Srbija
Abdulah Sidran
Oliver Frljić
16. September, 20:00 Atelje 212 Trajanje: 100'
Atelier 212 Belgrade, Serbia
Abdulah Sidran
Directed by:
Oliver Frljić
September 16 th , 20:00 Atelier 212 Duration: 100'
Ova prica о jednoj sarajevskoj porodid и ranim pedesetim godinama, и vreme sukoba Tita i Staljina, postavljena je kao sećanje dečaka Dina, čiji otac u informbiroovskim previranjima zavrsava u zatvoru. Jedna oceva neoprezna i usputna izjava pred ljubavnicom, udružena sa njenom ljubomorom i osvetoljubivošću, potpuno će promeniti njihove živote. Predstava kroz intimnu pricu oslikava svu kompleksnost tog političkog trenutka, preispituje nesrecno vreme i istorijske događaje koji se prelamaju ргеко sudbina običnih, nedužnih ljudi. Vreme u kome je samo jedna pogrešna reč izrečena na pogrešnom mestu, pred pogrešnim ljudima mogla da potpuno uništi dotadašnji život. Na 10. festivalu BH drame u Zenici predstava Otac na službenom putu dobila je čak 5 nagrada: za najbolju predstavu u celini, za najbolje glumačko ostvarenje (Vlastimir Đuza Stojiljkovic), za najbolje likovno oblikovanje predstave, za najbolju scensku muziku i nagradu publike za najbolju predstavu. Na 35. Danima satire u Zagrebu, Hana Selimović je dobila glavnu nagradu za žensku ulogu „Zlatni smijeh" za ulogu Majke, Sene Zolj u ovoj predstavi.
This story about a Sarajevo family in the early 19505, at the time of Tito-Stalin conflict, is presented as the reminiscences of a boy called Dino whose father ends up in prison during the Cominform turbulences. A careless side remark made by the father to his mistress, coupled’with her jealousy and vindictiveness changes their lives completely. Through an intimate story the production reflects the complexity of that political moment, reexamines those unhappy times and historical events affecting the fates of ordinary, innocent people. The time when a single wrong word uttered at a wrong place, before wrong people, could destroy completely one's life. At the 10 th Festival of BH Drama in Zenica this production won as many as 5 awards: as the best production, the best actor (Vlastimir Đuza Stojiljkovic), the best graphic design, the best music score and the prize of the audience as the best production. At the 35 tri Satire Days in Zagreb Hana Selimović, portraying the mother Sena Zolj, won Zlatni smijeh, won the principal prize as the best actress