REČ REDITELJA Nisam išao za rekonstrukcijom jedne povijesne epohe. To ostavljam službenim historiografijama. Nisam išao za lamentacijom nad ljudima stradalima u pogromima nakon 1948. Oni su odavno postal! moneta u aktualnim političkim potkusurivanjima. Nisam išao za revalorizadjom znacenja Titovog NE na međunarodnoj političkoj sceni. Time se trebaju baviti političke znanosti. Nisam išao za jezičnom čistoćom. Nju ostavljam nacionalistima. Nisam išao za svojim političkim uvjerenjima. Ona su tu, ovako i onako. Nisam išao za realizmom. Realizam najopasnije iskrivljuje stvarnost. Nisam išao и crkvu. Majka mi nije dozvoljavala i imala je pravo. (Nisam išao za nakaradnim aktualizacijama. To će napraviti drugi koji me poznaju bolje od mene samog.) Išao sam za kazalisnim jezikom. Nakon dugo vremena. Rokušao sam čuti što on govori kad se isključe svi drugi sadržaji. Slušao sam taj jezik i и njegovom šaputanju pokušao čuti amnestiju od odgovornosti za vrijeme u kojem živim. I onda mi je jezik rekao: „Proved nevinost na koju se pozivaš tvrded da se boris za njen hlor što dsti svaku mrlju posle." OLIVER FRLJIĆ: Što ti, zapravo, režiraš, Olivere Frljiću? OLIVER FRLJIĆ; Kako misliš? U ovoj predstavi? OLIVER FRLJIĆ; Ne, općenito. OLIVER FRLJIĆ; Mislio sam da režiram pobunu. OLIVER FRLJIĆ: I što je rekla pobuna? OLIVER FRLJIC: Da je pustim na miru, da je umorna. OLIVER FRLJIC: i? OLIVER FRLJIC; Ja sam razuman dečko.
A WORD BY THE DIRECTOR I did not pursue the reconstruction of an historical epoch. I leave that to official historiographers. I did not pursue lamentation over people perished during pogroms after 1948. They have become a stake in current political reckonings. I did not pursue the re-evaluation of the meaning of Tito’s NO on the international political stage. This is up to the political sciences. I did not pursue linguistic purity. I leave that to the nationalists. I did not pursue my political convictions. They are there, such as the y are. I did not pursue realism. Realism distorts the reality in a highly dangerous way. I did not go to church. My mother would not let me and she was right. (I did not follow freak topicalities. This will be done by others who know me better than I know myself). All I pursued was the language of the theatre. After a long time. I tried to hear what it says when all the other contents are switched off. I listened to that language and in its whispers I tried to hear the amnesty from the responsibility for the time I live in. And then the language told me: "Check the innocence you claim asserting that you fight for its chlorine that removes every stain afterwards.” OLIVER FRLJIĆ: What is it you're really directing, Oliver Frljic? OLIVER FRLJIĆ: What do you mean? In this production? OLIVER FRLJIC: No, generally, OLIVER FRLJIC: I though I was directing a rebellion, OLIVER FRLJIC: And what did the rebellion say? OLIVER FRLJIC: To let it be, that it was tired. OLIVER FRLJIC: And? OLIVER FRLJIC: I am a sensible lad.