
„Pegla je simbol naše sreće... Ne verujem u porodicu, verujenn и bliskost. Verujem da porodica übija individuu... Verujem u porodicu... Nemam velike izjave, u šta verujem, и šta ne. Nauöla sam da je važna ljubav. Često govorim ljudima da ih volim... Ja sam shvatila koliko sam sebična, ali i da su moji roditelji sebični... Animiram ih kao lutke. Ne izlaze nigdje, sem da mene gledaju u pozoristu... Moji ne mogu dolaziti i nisu me nigdje gledali... Osjećam da stare i da će se to brzo nekako zavrsiti, a da nismo rekli jedni drugima puno toga ... Odnos prema roditeljima je postao briga za njih. Osjećanje kako su mali. Kao neka mala djeca... Ne znam kako da im se odužim. "

"The iron is the symbol of our happiness... I do not believe in a family, I believe in closeness. I believe that the family kills the individual... I believe in family...! have no lofty statements, what I believe and what I don't. I learned that love is important. I often tell people that I love them...! realised that I am selfish, but also that my parents are selfish... I animate them like puppets. They do not go out except to see me in the theatre... My people cannot come and they have not seen me anywhere... I feel that they are getting old and that it will all be over soon somehow and we did not tell each other many things... The relation with my parents has become the concern for them. Feeling that they are little. Like some small children... I don't know how to pay them back"