
IZ INTERVJUA SA REDITELJEM PREDSTAVE Činilo mi se da je uloqa Slovenije и raspadu nekadašnje zajedničke države Jugoslavije drugadja od uloga drugih republika. Slovenija je prva izašla iz zajedničke države i najbrže se oporavila od tog šoka. U ovoj državi postoji poseban sentiment prema Jugoslaviji, koji se drugde ne može sresti. U predstavi sam želeo da pokažem da svuda, pa i u Sloveniji, sa svim pozitivnim sećanjima na Jugoslaviju, postoji trauma zbog složenih odnosa и prošlosti, što je onda izbilo u jugoslovenskim ratovima. О tome sam pokušao da razmišljam iz slovenačke Perspektive. Kad sam počeo da pripremam predstavu nisam imao jasnu ideju kuda je voditi. Tek u razgovorima s glumcima došao sam do grade za predstavu. Ona je zato i sazdana, pre svega, na iskustvima i ideološkim pozicijama samih glumaca učesnika. Ne brani ni jednu stranu u jugoslovenskom konfliktu. Dopušta mnoštvo glasova, čime i publika kroz dramaturgiju traži svoju istinu i put. ...Ne dajem odgovore, jer i sam mislim da raspad Jugoslavije, odnosno onoga što je Jugoslavija kao utopijska ideja predstavljala, još uvek nije adekvatno objašnjen. Potrebna nam je oštra i poštena analiza partidpacije svih i svakog u krizi u toj državnoj zajednici, ali i problematizovanje nadna izlaska iz nje. Iz intervjua sa Oliverom Frljicem Marjan Horvat,

iZ INTERVJUA SA REDITELJEM PREDSTAVE It seemed to me that the role of Slovenia in the fall of the former common country Yugoslavia was different from other Republics. It was the first to step out of the mutual country and it recovered quickest from the shock. In this country, there is a particular sentiment toward Yugoslavia one cannot feel anywhere else. In the play I wanted to show that everywhere, including Slovenia, with all the positive recollections of Yugoslavia, there is a trauma because of complex relationships in the past, which broke out in the .Yugoslav' wars. I tried to think about that from the Slovenian perspective. When I started to prepare the play, I did not have a clear idea where to take it. No sooner than during the conversation with the actors did I come up with the material for the play. That is why it is primarily based on experiences and ideological positions of the actors-partidpants themselves, it does not defend a single side in the Yugoslav conflict. It allows for many voices, so the audience itself looks through dramaturgy for its truth and path... i don't give answers, because I think that the breakup of Yugoslavia, i.e. of what Yugoslavia as a utopian idea represented, has not been adequately explained yet. We need a sharp and honest analysis about everybody's participation in the crisis of that federation, but also a problematisation of the way out of it. Oliver Frljic In an interview with Marjana Horvat,