
Vratimo se leševima koje smo pomenuli na početku. Baš kao i tlo bivše Jugoslavije, po kom je nemoguće koračati a da se ne zagazi u kosti, i u ovoj predstavi su leševi na sve strane. I baš kao što ti nepozorišni leševi imaju izvesnu vrednost na političkoj pijaci, ovi leševi koje mi hiperprodukujemo i vaskrsavamo takođe imaju odredenu vrednost. Oni, u stvari, teže da umanje vrednost određenog modela prikazivanja. Ako se takvo obezvređivanje dešava u pozorišnom prikazivanju smrti, koja je vrednost stvarne smrti? Da bi se do nje došlo, treba samo pogledati vesti о Haitiju ili se zapitati šta nama Srebrenica znači danas. Malo, manje, ništa? Kapo, junker, a zatim ozbiljan mladić prijatnog izgleda daju iskaze pred sudom. „Ja nisam odgovoran", kože kapo... „Ja nisam odgovoran", kaže oficir... „Ja nisam odgovoran." Poslednji pogled na brdo golih, iskasapljenih leševa. Pa. ko je onda odgovoran? Noć i magla (Nuit et brouillard), režija: Alain Resnais, scenario: Jean Cayrol Oliver Frtjić, Borut Šeparović, Tomaž Toporišič

protagonists "come back to life" expose the standstill of theatre mechanists of representation. It is these very mechanisms for the production of fiction - that most often remain concealed - that push out any thematic-content frame and thus remain the only visible thing. Let's return to the corpses we've mentioned at the beginning. Just like the soil of the former Yugoslavia, where it is impossible to thread the ground without wading into bones, this performance is also overflowing with corpses. And just like those non-theatre corpses have a certain value on the political market, these corpses we hyper-produce and resurrect have a certain value as well. In fact, they strive to reduce the value of a certain model of representation. If such devaluation has occurred in theatre representation of death, what is the value of real death? To figure that out, one only needs to watch the news on Haiti or ask what Srebrenica means to us today. Little, less, nothing? A Kapo, a Junker, and then an earnest, pleasant-looking young man testify in court. "I am not responsible," says the Kap;. "I am not responsible," says the officer. "I am not responsible." A final look at a mountain of naked, mutilated cc r pses Then who is responsible? Night and Fog (Nuit et brouillard), directed by Alain Resnais Oliver Frljić, Borut Šeparović, Tomaž Toporišič