
Pozorište mrzim... zbog glupih predstava zbog predstava koje mi neprestano govore da sam glup zbog predstava koje mi neprestano govore da su glupe zbog predstava koje nisam video, a želim da ih vidim zbog predstava koje sam video, a to nisam želeo zbog loših predstava s dobrim kritikama zbog predstava u kojima bih da igram, a ne igram zbog predstava koje zaglupljuju publiku zbog predstava koje ugadaju public!, povlađuju njenom ukusu, pa je tako sve vise korumpiraju zbog savremenih plesnih predstava Zbog Borštnikove nagrade po posebnoj odluci žirija (ili za estetski proboj) Još sam uveren da je približno devedeset odsto pozorisne produkcije čisto sranje, a ako nije čisto, onda je sranje. Predstave se rade kako se rade. A celokupna pozorišna zajednica je nešto kao bubreg u loju! Bavimo se samima sobom, družimo se samo međusobno, sami smo sebi najvernija publika i ništa drugo ne znamo. Važno je samo da budemo te srece, da u pravom trenutku, u pravi cas, u pravom bam dovoljno dugo pijemo pivo. Uroš Kaurin *ovaj tekst Urosa Kaurina pisan je za scenu Zašto mrzim pozorište i nije uvršten u predstavu.

I hate theatre... because of stupid performances because of the performances which keep telling me I'm stupid because of the performances which keep telling me they're stupid because of the performances I haven't seen and I'd like to because of the performances I have seen and I didn't want to because of the bad performances with the good reviews because of the performances I'd like to play in and I don't because of dumbifying performances because of the patronizing performances that aim to please thus corrupting the audience because of the contemporary dance performances because of the Borsnikov’s Prize, as a special mention (or for the aesthetic breakthrough) I'm fully convinced that almost 90% of our production is pure crap and if it's not pure then it's crap for sure. The performances are done as they're done. And the entire theatre community shares some self-pleasing attitude! We deal with ourselves, we socialize with ourselves, we are our own most fateful audience and there's nothing else we can do. The only thing that matters is to be lucky enough to be in the right bar at the right moment and drink beer for long enough. Uroš Kau rin *The text is written by Uroš Kaurin was written for the scene Why do I hote theatre and has not been chose for the performance