
NAGRADE OLIVERA FRLJIĆA: Za predstavu Blizanke Dječjeg kazališta Dubrava, Oliver Frljic dobio je tri nagrade za najbolju režiju (Hrvatski centar ASSITEJ, Naj, naj, naj festival, Pozorište Zvezdarište). Za predstavu Turbo-folk HNK Ivana pi. Zajca iz Rijeke, dobio je nagradu za najbolju režiju na Medunarodnom festivalu kamernog teatra „Zlatni lav", a predstava je dobila i festivalski gran pri. Za režiju predstave Strah и Ulid lipa dobio je nagradu „Mali Marulic" na Festivalu hrvatske drame za decu i „Zlatnu Žar-pticu" na 9. Naj, naj, naj festivalu. 2009. trijumfuje na Festivalu malih scena и Rijeci gde su dve njegove predstave podelile nagradu za najbolju predstavu: Turbo-folk i Bakhe. Na istom festivalu dobio je i nagradu „Anđelko Štimac" za najbolju reziju. Iste godine njegova predstava Blizanke dobija Srebrni lovorov vijenac na festivalu internacionalnog teatra Mess u Sarajevu и kategoriji dečijeg programa. Prvu važniju predstavu na medunarodnoj sceni, Proklet bio izdajica svoje domovine, Frljic je režirao 2010. godine. Predstava dobija dve Borštnikove nagrade u Mariboru i pozive na mnoga gostovanja. iste godine režira i predstavu Buđenje proljeća u ZKM-u, za koju na sve važnijem Jugoslovenskom pozorisnom festivalu Bez prevoda и Užicu dobija nagradu za najbolju predstavu festivala, a u Crnogorskom narodnom pozorištu u Podgorici režira Raspravu Pjera de Marivoa. Krajem iste godine režira i predstavu Kukavičiuk u Narodnom pozoristu Subotica, koja je od mnogih kriticara proglašena pozorišnim događajem sezone u Srbiji. Na 56. Sterijinom pozorju u Novom Sadu osvojila je Sterijinu nagradu za najbolju predstavu, a Oliver Frlić je dobio Sterijinu nagradu za režiju.

OLIVER FRLJIĆ'S AWARDS: For his production of Blizanke at the Children’s Theatre Dubrava, Oliver Frljic won three awards for the best direction (Flrvatski centar ASSITEJ, Naj, naj, naj festival, Pozorište Zvezdarište). For Turbo-folk FINK Ivana pi. Zajca in Rijeka he was awarded as the best director at Zlatni lav, the festival of chamber theatres and the production won the Grand prix. Stroh и Ulid won Mali Marulić award for the best direction at the Festival of Croatian children's Drama and Zlatna Žar ptica at the 9 th Naj, naj, naj festival. In 2009 he won at the Festival of Small Stages in Rijeka where two of his productions shared the first asward: Turbo-folk and Bacchae. Anđelko Štimac was pronounced the best director at the same festival. His Blizanke won the Silver Laurel Wreathat the prestigious international festival MESS in Sarajevo in the chidren’s programme category. His first important international production was Proklet bio izdajica svoje domovine, 2010. The production won two Borštnik awards in Maribor and invited on tours. That year he also directed Spring Awakening for ZKM which was pronounced the best production at the ever more important Yugoslav theatre festival Without Translation in Užice. For the Montenegrin National Theatre he directed Pierre de Marivaux's La Dispute and towards the end of the year Kukavičluk for the National Theatre in Subotica, which many critics pronounced the theatre event of the year in Serbia, At the 56 th Sterijino pozorje in Novi Sad it was awarded as the best production and Oliver Frlic won the Stenja Award for his direction.